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  • #108615


    Double-stat astrals can be exchanged for in the astral ‘Point exchange,’ which should show near the top of the Astral window and to the right of centre.

    Sphere stones, as in the ult. level feature? IIRC that was occasionally available in things like the Rewards exchange event, and it might be available from some recharge events. However, I’m not sure if it’s typically available outside of specific events.

  • #107945


    The shard store issue has been reported on most EN versions of Dragon Awaken. Since there has been a week-long holiday in China from 1-7 October, any fix will probably occur after that period. So there will hopefully be an attempt to fix the shard store over the next few days.

    The game is something of a shambles by now, so this kind of error isn’t that unexpected. I think that shard store has had similar issues in the recent past, though this time the problems lasted for longer.

  • #67561


    FWIW, this guide to the monolith puzzles was posted somewhat recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qya56E4nrk

  • #67557


    Vanadey is correct. The purchase options for these items should look like this, and cost 300 Honor, for anyone else who is confused about the issue.



  • #45271


    Dragon Awaken has a mini-client, so it is possible that Esprit will work on one for Dragon Lord and their other games.

    However, it is worth being careful with Flash games after December 2020, because Flash will no longer be supported and it might experience security issues in the future that may put data, etc., at risk.

  • #45269


    Use relics that inflict things like Charm, Stone Curse, and Silence, on your team’s area-of-effect attackers. For instance, you can place them on Void Sorceress, Grand Swordsman, or Lava Fiend. When I say ‘area-of-effect,’ I mean that the heroes attack multiple enemies.

    Have powerful heroes that will attack all opponents. For instance, Grand Swordsman or (if you’re a whale) Pandora. Get their stats up, and try to increase their damage.

    It might be worth using Hell Keeper, since they can take hold of an opponent and prevent them from moving, and they can also increase the damage dealt by your attacks against the enemy team.

    The main advantage you have in Deity Dungeon, IIRC, is that your team all attacks before the opponent, unless they have changed that recently. This means that you should aim to make your first turn as effective as possible, because the opponent may be strong after that.

    The other advantage you had is that, if you use the Cleric skillset, then you have the option of using the area-of-effect attack (skill 3), while the AI did not tend to use that attack. This means that, if you have around 50 Rage when you enter the fight, then you can use that attack and the opponent will probably not attack your whole team. This can compound the damage from your heroes.

    Through this sort of approach, I was able to finish the dungeon quickly on all stages with an alt, without stripping any heroes out of the team or changing my team that much. However it might depend on how you have set up your team.

    In general, you should be able to do a decent amount of damage to the opposing team, if your heroes are built offensively, and keep the surviving members of the opposing team Charmed, etc., and hence unable to attack you. If your team accomplishes this on the first turn, then that would make things easier.

    If that is a problem, for instance because your heroes aren’t built offensively enough, then it would still be possible to try a few different approaches. For instance, if you remove everyone from your team other than Hell Keeper and one other hero (eg. Void Sorceress, or Pandora) with area-of-effect attacks and Charm/Stone/Silence/etc. relics and abilities, then your Hell Keeper might prevent the opponent’s character from moving, and you can just try your luck until your opponent is unable to move.

    This reply is probably a bit late, but I noticed that there weren’t any other responses yet, and this might be useful to others for reference.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by  Which.
  • #36775


    At around level 28, the faction feature should appear. If you click on the Faction button, it will allow you to choose between Supremacy and Amity, the two factions included in this game.

  • #35244


    A few amendations to the answers given in the FAQ:

    2. Your BR can also decrease because your partner logged out, reducing the intimacy bonus.

    3. You can now use the Guardian feature in order to prevent plunders for 3 hours. This can be used at least twice each day, creating a total of 6 extra hours where you can’t be plundered.

    4. This answer could be misleading. ‘Diamonds’ in this version of the game are a currency that is distinct from ambers, but VIP level is increased based on recharging for ambers.

    7. The island is called Primeval Island rather than Aboriginal Island in this version, although it’s similar.

    8. I’m not sure what exactly it means by ‘Defense Mode’ in Guard the Goddess.

  • #33636


    What game is this in?

  • #32774


    If you want to ask about LoA, it might be more appropriate to ask on the League of Angels board. This board is for Dragon Lord.

    The League of Angels board is at this link: https://espritgames.com/forum/go/league-of-angels-3/
    The technical issues section for that game is here.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.
  • #32722


    Soul probably isn’t capped depending on the hero.

    The message saying ‘same stat’ is based on the stats that your soul spheres are currently enhancing, and these stats can be changed with soul refining stones.

    Other than that, your question doesn’t seem that clear, so I’m not sure. If using soul stones and soul evolve crystals isn’t working to increase soul level past a certain point, then that might be a bug, and you should send in a ticket to support.

  • #32565


    I think they might mean the notice on the Esprit website, not in the game:


    This message shows on Esprit homepage and on other games as well.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.
  • #46053


    You can get pet catching materials from the final daily devotion chest in Daily Quests, that unlocks when you get 300 points of elf EXP from Daily Quests.

    Sometimes, the catching materials were also added to special events for the game, such as anniversary or festival events. However, I’m not sure how often that has happened in recent times.

  • #32823


    I think that Coringa is suggesting adding more heroes, especially 6-star heroes, to the Tavern where they can be purchased for essence.

    I wouldn’t mind this suggestion being implemented, but it has been suggested before and it is unlikely to happen. At the same time, the unavailability of heroes like Vera, Kitsune, and Arcane Witch does seem unnecessary, since few people would even use them for anything other than combinations. Adding some heroes with new, different abilities to the Tavern would probably make the game more interesting for veteran players, however.

  • #32776


    No problem.

    You can view what gear others are wearing, by viewing their profile.


    You can then hover over the gear in order to view more details, such as level and stats:




    Not all of the details presented might be entirely accurate, such as the set bonus, but the basic information like level and extra stats should be roughly accurate. This should allow you to check on what level and kind of equipment people are wearing.

    If the gear isn’t displaying when you view their profile, then try doing it from another source. For example, you can view profile information by clicking on their name in the rankings, or in other places.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.
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