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Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues Technical section rules

This topic contains 24 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Which 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #3181


    Dear friends!

    Before creating a topic with a question / error / bug, please read the request rules:

    1) Before creating an request or asking a question, make sure that there is no same discussion topic, or this question has not been asked to avoid copying questions or creating many topics with the same meaning.

    2) The request must be created strictly according to the special form given below.

    3) The request must be made correctly, with a minimum number of errors. The text of the request should not contain insults towards the administration, other players or towards the game.

    4) All request and created topics not corresponding to the simple rules given above will be deleted from the forum. Attempts to re-open the topic with errors will result in ban.

    request form:
    1) Nickname in the game;
    2) The server;
    3) A detailed description of the problem. What? Where? When? With what? Under what conditions? Try to explain the question as accurately and concisely as possible or describe the problem;
    4) Attached screenshots clearly describing the essence of your question.

    Thank you!

  • #4187


    Stop. Just stop. Pm’s are sent to you and you do not respond. Problems with proof are presented time and again and the same issues continue week after week.

    You have one player completely powering thru the game so others have problems even building yet you see no problems.

    There are bugs all over the game with lag and disconnect issues yet you want “screen shots” of everything. If I have to screen my game every 5 mins, it stops being a game!!!

    It really does not seem like you want this game to succeed from the major portion of the player base point of view.

    Your time is running out.

  • #4189


    Well said!

  • #4249


    Some problems cannot be reproduced, as they are passed through a particular character. In order to help the players, we need to know how it looks from you.

  • #10022


    I created a ticket for support because it didn’t give me my VIP. When I look at my profile there is no were showing my ticket ?? What’s up with that? I even sent in a screen shot – it keeps asking me to pay when I already did. Where can I see my ticket that I created??

    • #10024


      I created a ticket for support because it didn’t give me my VIP. When I look at my profile there is no were showing my ticket ?? What’s up with that? I even sent in a screen shot – it keeps asking me to pay when I already did. Where can I see my ticket that I created??

      You may have been logged in with a different email address. You need to buy exactly vip card, and not to buy ambers. http://prntscr.com/oonjp2

  • #10031


    Yup that is what I did – hit the wrong purchase LOL
    TY SnowFox 🙂 Got it now.

  • #10041


    Since this thread gets faster responses. Have another question – hope there is no glitches in the VIP as I’ve seen in some forum threads…

    If I purchase VIP 3xs, does it stack? Meaning, will I get 3 months VIP on my vault if I buy VIP 3xs, and will it put me at VIP 3 ?

    • #10603


      Since this thread gets faster responses. Have another question – hope there is no glitches in the VIP as I’ve seen in some forum threads…

      If I purchase VIP 3xs, does it stack? Meaning, will I get 3 months VIP on my vault if I buy VIP 3xs, and will it put me at VIP 3 ?

      I apologize for the long answer.
      You will have a VIP for 3 months. But VIP status will not become level 3. To increase the level of VIP, you need to accumulate VIP points.

  • #10677


    hola buenas quisiera saber que a pasado con el evento de consumo del dia 27 que entergaron el premio diario y el acumulativo no lo entregaran nos devolveran el dinero o que??
    soy del sever 11

  • #12246


    My roommate had a problem with her computer and had to dump cookies. Now she can’t log back in. She normally used her Facebook account to log in, but every time she tries it comes up with MY Facebook account and logs into MY game. Her character name here is Grace.Orr, and it would be a shame if she has to start all over from scratch with a new account as she’s on the verge of level 70. What can we do to get her back in the game?

    • #12266


      My roommate had a problem with her computer and had to dump cookies. Now she can’t log back in. She normally used her Facebook account to log in, but every time she tries it comes up with MY Facebook account and logs into MY game. Her character name here is Grace.Orr, and it would be a shame if she has to start all over from scratch with a new account as she’s on the verge of level 70. What can we do to get her back in the game?

      Hi, could you please write to our support team – https://espritgames.com/support/

  • #13457


    When can we expect to see rewards from voss carnival? I was showing in first place at reset, however I realize that ranking was laffing 30 mins, gow ever I would expect something from the ecent

    Freyja S1

  • #13459


    Experts have discovered a bug in the issuance of awards for carnival bosses. They are currently addressing this issue and all rewards will be given to players.

  • #13460


    Ty snow fox

  • #13490


    what about issue with Material Dungeons please? since the maintenance on the 17/12/2019 i have not been able to enter any material dungeon ,but i am able to blitz. How can i get further on ?

    • #13491


      it is a bug I THINK for the meantime, you should probably challenge dungeons for the next few days or so BEFORE you blitz.

    • #13492


      thank you Onii

    • #13844


      On Dragon Awaken, they said that this problem while blitzing material dungeons was a bug, and it would be fixed. You should be able to challenge dungeons after blitzing again, since there has been a maintenance.

  • #13516


    This is not a bug. The dev’s made the same system as in the Trial dungeon.
    If you click on the “One-click Blitz” button, then the passage of the dungeons will resume only the next day. You can not clear in One-click, and go to dungeon. And only then do the Blitz

  • #14119


    this morning i recharged 2k ambers the screen crashed i did not get the ambers or in game rewards have not been able too access the game for hours the money has been deducted from my balance , my bank tell me the transaction is pending , i cannot submit a dam ticket with out a screen shot , i have nothing too screen shot .. i want my ambers and in game bonus,s or the money returned to my account .. there was a time you could actually phone and speak to some one , that has all vanished . or just refund me around half of my total spends on the game and i,ll leave it altogether …. u seem unable to acept this game has serious issues …

  • #15463


    http://prntscr.com/qqfsqi , ti pare normale sono 3 ore che aggiorno ed è sempre così

  • #32772


    playing angels mercenary crew in league angels 3 and its not letting me advance to level 6 im stuck on level 5 and I have well more than enough points to level up to level 6 ive sent a ticket few days ago still nothing has been done about it in game name rebellion server 81

  • #32774


    If you want to ask about LoA, it might be more appropriate to ask on the League of Angels board. This board is for Dragon Lord.

    The League of Angels board is at this link: https://espritgames.com/forum/go/league-of-angels-3/
    The technical issues section for that game is here.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Which.

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