All posts by Agent008


Guide – Angel’s Tower

Guide – Angel’s Tower

Angel’s Tower

Available by the icon

Angel’s Tower

Build a Tower together with other players and get a reward for each level of construction.

The Craftsman’s Hammer item is required for construction.

Attention: item will disappear after the end of the event.

You can get a Hammer by clicking “+”:

Additional Hammers can be obtained in Events.

Available by the icon

There are also additional tasks available here, after completing which you will receive pleasant rewards.

For each hammer used, you will receive 10 event points and one of the rewards:

Possible rewards:

  • Starfall Pilarrar Shard – 75
  • Starfall Pilarrar Shard – 40
  • Starfall Pilarrar Shard – 20
  • Starfall Pilarrar Shard – 10
  • Emperor’s Fall Shard – 10
  • Bloody Slayer Shard – 10
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 400
  • Angel Orb – 100
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 80
  • Angel Orb – 50
  • Angel Orb – 25
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 40
  • Soul Armor Illumination Stone – 6
  • Soul Armor EXP Stone II – 15
  • Soul Armor EXP Stone I – 30

For a certain number of points received, you can get additional rewards:

400 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 5
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 300

800 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 5
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 300
  • Angel Orb – 50

1 200 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 10
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 300
  • Angel Orb – 100

2 000 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 30
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 600
  • Angel Orb – 200

3 200 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 50
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 1 000
  • Angel Orb – 200

4 000 points:

  • Starfall Pillar Shard – 50
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone – 1 000
  • Angel Orb – 200


Complete tasks to get even more rewards!


Built 700 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 300 personal points):

  • Diamond – 200
  • Primordial Stone – 100
  • Soul of Creation – 20

Built 1 200 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 500 personal points):

  • Diamond – 200
  • EXP Scroll II – 50
  • Soul Flask II – 50
  • Primordial Stone – 100

Built 2 000 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 600 personal points):

  • Diamond – 300
  • EXP Scroll II – 50
  • Primordial Stone – 200
  • Blessing Stone II – 50

Built 3 600 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 1 000 personal points):

  • Diamond – 300
  • Augment Stone III – 50
  • Condensing Stone III – 50
  • Blessing Stone III – 50

Built 6 000 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 1 500 personal points):

  • Diamond – 500
  • Starlight Stone IV – 10
  • Premium Charm Reforge Stone – 10
  • Starcrest Stone III – 10

Built 9 000 levels in Angel’s Tower (reached 2 000 personal points):

  • Diamond – 800
  • Blessing Stone IV – 50
  • Primordial Stone – 500
  • Starcrest Stone III – 30
  • Soul of Creation – 50


To get into the rating (999 places), you need to score at least 400 points. To get a Super prize, you need to score more than 2,0000 points.

The usual reward includes (the amount depends on the place in the rating):

  • Inscription Stone
  • Resonance Stone

The super prize includes (the number depends on the place in the rating):

  • Spirit Enhancement Stone
  • Blessing Stone IV
  • Soul Armor Carving Stone
  • Starfall Pillar Shard
  • Inscription Stone
  • Spirit Skill Stone


Exchange Angel Orbs for rare and useful items in the Event Store.

Angel Orb can be obtained as a reward when building a tower. The item will disappear after the event ends.

The store includes three bookmarks:

  • Soul Armor
  • Advanced
  • Resources

The number of daily purchases is limited.

Attention: Rewards and tasks may vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be changed if additional information is received.

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  • 14.05.2020

    Guide - Transfer

    Transfer Available by the icon Unlocks at character at 30 level. Hero Rebirth If you have pumped any hero incorrectly, you can reset his progress. After rebirth, all resources invested in this hero are returned. You can only reset a...
  • 25.06.2020

    Guide - Companions

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Guide – Alliance Mobilization

Guide – Alliance Mobilization

Alliance Mobilization

Available by icon 

Rewards are available for another 3 days after the end of the event.

You can also access the event from the Alliance menu.


Your alliance must have at least 25 members.

Your lock must be level 15 or higher.

You can only earn points for the alliance you are a member of.

Event Description

Mobilization of the Alliance is held once in a month. Each session lasts for a week.

You can only participate in the event if you are a member of the alliance. Complete tasks to earn points for the alliance. The more points, the better the rewards will be at the end of the session.

You can only accept a limited number of tasks. Rejecting the task will not restore the attempt that was used. Think carefully before accepting the task.

The total number of alliance attempts is the sum of all alliance members ‘ attempts. Each participant can purchase only one additional attempt.

The description of each task indicates the goal of the task, the number of points required to complete it, and the time limit.

You must complete the tasks in the allotted time to get points.

Alliance members of rank 4 and higher can opt out of unnecessary tasks.

New tasks will be available 30 minutes after accepting or rejecting the current tasks.

A Special Battle, a Monthly Map, a Merchant Ship, and consumable gifts are not counted in the event tasks, and gift sets from other players are counted.

Event Tournaments

There are 4 tournament classes, from lowest to highest: Apprentice -> Novice – > Elite -> Epic.

When you first enter the tournament, your alliance will perform in the Apprentice class.

Alliances in the same class will be divided into groups, each can have up to 20 alliances.

The top five alliances from each class will be demoted by one class the next time the alliance is mobilized.

Each class offers a different number of tasks and rewards for each stage of the task.

  • Epic League:You can complete tasks 9 times, with a maximum of 24 stage rewards.
  • Elite League: You can complete tasks 8 times, with a maximum of 21 stage rewards.
  • Novice League: You can complete tasks 7 times, with a maximum of 18 stage rewards.
  • Apprentice League: You can complete tasks 6 times, with a maximum of 15 stage rewards.


When the event ends, alliance members will be able to collect rewards based on the number of completed stages (21 stages in total). You can choose between 3 rewards (manually) for each completed stage.

The top 5 alliances that reach Task Stage 8 or higher will receive a ranking award at the end of the event. These rewards will be sent by mail after the event ends.


1st place (total cost of the award – 9 100 Diamonds):

  • Diamonds – 1 500
  • 15 hrs Speed Up (research) – 1
  • 15 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Race Boots 75% – 2
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 2

2nd place (total cost of the award – 6 500 Diamonds):

  • Diamonds – 800
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (research) – 4
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 4
  • Race Boots 75% – 2
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 1

3rd place (total cost of the award – 4 600 Diamonds):

  • Diamonds – 400
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (research) – 3
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 3
  • Race Boots 75% – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 2

4th place (total cost of the award – 3 600 Diamonds):

  • Diamonds – 300
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (research) – 2
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 1

5th place (total cost of the award – 2 770 Diamonds):

  • Diamonds – 150
  • 60 mins Speed Up (research) – 2
  • 60 mins Speed Up (research) – 2
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Gold Dragons 50 000 – 3

Attention: rewards can vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 13.06.2020

    Guide - Treasure Seeker

    Treasure Seeker Available by icon  Duration - 3 days. The event is available to players with castle level 17 and above. Each time a player searches for a treasure or plunders another player, one attempt will be spent. 5 free...
  • 17.06.2020

    Guide - Lord of Lords

    Lord of Lords Available by icon  The event consists of 6 phases, each new phase opens after a certain time. Phase 1 The goal of the phase is to gather resources. Rules for scoring points: 1 point for every 55...

Events from June 16 – «Alliance Mobilization», «Alliance Conquest» and «Voyager»

Events from June 16 – «Alliance Mobilization», «Alliance Conquest» and «Voyager»


From June 16 to 25, the «Alliance Mobilization» event is available for you.

Your alliance must have at least 25 members.

Your lock must be level 15 or higher.

Complete various tasks, earn points, take the highest places in the ranking and collect the best awards of the event.

After the end of the event, all alliance members will be able to choose a reward depending on the number of completed stages. And the top 5 alliances will receive additional gifts.

By participating in the event, you can get:

  • Badge
  • Diamonds
  • Mask of the Faceless Men
  • Book of COnfession
  • Battle Codex
  • Speed Up
  • The Experience Of The Lord
  • and much more.

Read more about the event in the guide.

The Lannisters fight the Targaryens for Casterly Rock. Who will win this battle: the majestic Guardians of the West or the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

Which side will you fight on?

Participate in the Battle of Alliances from 16 to 18 June, earn points and get the best ranking rewards.

The event takes place in the format of seasons, each season consists of several stages.

At the end of the season, the results are summed up and an award is given to the best players and Alliances:

  • Various accelerators
  • Gold Dragons
  • Commanding Officers ‘ Medals
  • Friendship Chest
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Diamonds
  • Appearance of the castle
  • Title
  • and more

The rules of the Alliance Battle can be found in the guide.

Lord, a ship has docked at the walls of your castle and the captain is waiting for you on board. Rather, stock up on Current Compasses and hit the road from 16 to 19 June!

You can choose one of two routes:

  • Normal
  • Legendary

A small reward will be waiting for you at each stop. And the main reward you will get if you get to Treasure Isle or Diamond Cave.

Visit Treasure Isle and get Exploration Coins, which can be exchanged for valuable items in the event store:

  • Commanding Officers ‘ Medals
  • Badge
  • Appearance of the troops
  • Boosters
  • and much more.

In Diamond Cave, a huge amount of Diamonds is stored and only on your luck will depend on how much you can take with you.

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Enjoy the game!

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Guide – Treasure Seeker

Guide – Treasure Seeker

Treasure Seeker

Available by icon 

Duration – 3 days.

The event is available to players with castle level 17 and above.

Each time a player searches for a treasure or plunders another player, one attempt will be spent.

5 free search attempts and 2 free robbery attempts are given daily.

You can get additional attempts for Diamonds:

  • 1 search attempt – 500 Diamonds
  • 1 attempted robbery – 1 000 Diamonds

Attention:unused search/loot attempts are reset every day. Purchased attempts are not reset.

Any player can spend an attempt to start searching/looting. Group Search/Loot participants receive a reward after completing the timer.

The squad must consist of players from the same server. Search/loot is only available to full squads.

To start the search, click the Search button.

Create a squad or join an already created one.

Attention: After joining the squad, you need to pick up the troops for the battle and click Finish.

In battle, only the group leader bonuses (commander bonuses and combat bonuses) are valid.

Only the leader of the group can start searching/looting.

  • Each player of the squad spends 1 attempt on the search. The treasure is given to all participants.
  • Each player of the squad spends 1 attempt to loot. In the case of a successful robbery, the search time is reset. The treasure is given to all participants.

Accounting for losses:

  • 2% of troops die instantly
  • 8% of the troops become wounded.

Event losses are counted on the shared map.

If the treasure is stolen by another squad, the defenders receive a base reward.


Level 1 Treasure – 40 chance%:

  • Gold Dragons 600 000
  • Main Material Selection Chest Gold
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Gold Dragons 200 000
  • Race Boots 50%
  • Badge Chest Blue

Level 2 Treasure – chance 27%:

  • ::Scared::
  • Main Material Selection Chest Gold
  • Gold Dragons 600 000
  • Fiery Body red dye (3 day)
  • Fiery Body green dye (3 day)
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (Research)

Level 3 Treasure – chance 18%:

  • ::Happy::
  • Main Material Selection Chest Gold
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000
  • Fiery Body blue dye (3 day)
  • Fiery Bones blue due (3 day)
  • 8 hrs Speed Up (Research)

Level 4 Treasure – 10 chance%:

  • ::Crying::
  • Main Material Selection Chest Gold
  • Gold Dragons 6 000 000
  • Shadow’s Back red dye (3 day)
  • Shadow’s Back green dye (3 day)
  • 15 hrs Speed Up (Research)

Level 5 Treasure – chance 5%:

  • Shadow Essence
  • Gold Dragons 6 000 000
  • Diamonds 2 000
  • Shadow’s Back blue dye (7 day)
  • Shadow’s Chest blue dye (7 day)
  • Dancing Flowers coupon (7 day)

Attention: rewards can vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed upon receipt of additional information.

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  • 13.06.2020

    Guide - Iron Bank's Gifts

    Iron Bank's Gifts Available by icon  Within 2 days from the start of the event, purchase a Westeros calendar worth 200 Black Diamonds and receive rewards worth 938,000 Diamonds in the Gold Treasury for 14 consecutive days. When you collect...
  • 15.06.2020

    Guide - Alliance Mobilization

    Alliance Mobilization Available by icon  Rewards are available for another 3 days after the end of the event. You can also access the event from the Alliance menu. Requirements Your alliance must have at least 25 members. Your lock must...

Guide – Iron Bank’s Gifts

Guide – Iron Bank’s Gifts

Iron Bank’s Gifts

Available by icon 

Within 2 days from the start of the event, purchase a Westeros calendar worth 200 Black Diamonds and receive rewards worth 938,000 Diamonds in the Gold Treasury for 14 consecutive days.

When you collect all the rewards, you will get a bonus gift – a Golden Chest.


  • 24 hrs Speed Up – 10
  • Race Boots 50% – 20
  • VIP Points 1 000 – 20
  • Motivation 2 000 – 10
  • Friendship Chest Blue – 20
  • 24 hrs Speed Up (training) – 20
  • 24 hrs Speed Up (Research) – 20
  • Diamonds 10 000 – 3
  • 1 Compass – 100
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree – 20
  • Main Material Selection Chest Gold – 30
  • Advanced Skill Raffle Token – 100
  • Badge Chest Gold – 10
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 20
  • Health Badge Selection Chest Gold – 1

Attention: rewards can vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 12.06.2020

    Guide - Increase Power

    Increase Power Available by icon  During the duration of the event, complete military, technological, and construction tasks to raise your Power. The more Power you grow, the more rewards you can get. Increase Power by 125 000: Honor banner -...
  • 13.06.2020

    Guide - Treasure Seeker

    Treasure Seeker Available by icon  Duration - 3 days. The event is available to players with castle level 17 and above. Each time a player searches for a treasure or plunders another player, one attempt will be spent. 5 free...

Events from June 14 – «X-Server Roulette», «Buy 1 get 1 free», «Resource Tycoon (X-Server)» and «Carnival»

Events from June 14 – «X-Server Roulette», «Buy 1 get 1 free», «Resource Tycoon (X-Server)» and «Carnival»


From June 14 to 16, spin the «X-Server Roulette» wheel.

Regular and elite roulette are available.

Spin the wheel, place bets, and get rewards for points and rating.

And in the special event store, you can exchange the received chips for rare and useful items.

For participating in the event, You can get:

  • Build scroll
  • Part of the tower Key
  • Amulet forging stone
  • Drawings of equipment
  • Chests of gems
  •  Part Of the ring of truth
  • and much more

You can get to know so much more about this in the guide.

From June 15 to 17, the game will host an action «Buy One Get One Free».

By participating in the event, you will be able to make discounted purchases, receive items as a gift, and also earn Tickets to participate in the lottery with valuable rewards!

The lottery is a win-win – you are guaranteed to receive a gift for each participation.

Possible rewards:

  • Diamonds
  • Parts of heroes
  • Gain Items
  • Various scrolls
  • and more

More information about the promotion and awards can be found in the guide.

From June 15 to 21, an event will be launched in the game «Resource Tycoon (X-Server)».

Complete various tasks, get event resources to earn tycoon points, collect rewards in daily ratings and exchange Gold Coins (cross) for goods in the store.

You can get:

  • Rare items
  • Resources
  • Parts of heroes
  • Diamonds
  • and more

You can read more about the event and awards in the guide.

From June 17 to 21, participate in the «Carnival»!

The carnival includes many activities, so you will be able to:

  • Go to the Elite Dungeons for the event items, and then exchange them in the Store for valuable items
  • Play Roulette with nice prizes
  • Take part in Parties with interesting tasks and rewards
  • To participate in further events of the Carnival

The event plan, the party schedule and, of course, the description of the awards in our new guide.

Have a nice game!

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Events from June 14 – «Treasure Seeker», «Iron Bank’s Gifts» and «Eternal Glory»

Events from June 14 – «Treasure Seeker», «Iron Bank’s Gifts» and «Eternal Glory»


From June 14 to 16, the «Treasure Seeker» event is available for you.

Players with castle level 17 or higher can participate.

Search for treasure with your friends or loot other players for rare rewards!

The higher the level of the treasure, the greater the reward.

By participating in the event, you can get:

  • Emoticons
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Coloring for the dragon
  • Shadow Essence
  • Dancing Flowers coupon
  • and other things

Read more about the event in the guide.

From June 14 to 15, collect Gold Treasury rewards in the «Iron Bank’s Gifts» event.

Become the owner of the Westeros calendar for 14 days to collect all the treasures of the Iron Bank worth 938,000 Diamonds.

The most important reward will be waiting for you in the Golden Chest, which will open if you collect absolutely all the rewards.

Available Treasures:

  • Huge amount of Diamonds,
  • Advanced Skill Raffle Token,
  • Speed Up
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree,
  • Health Badge Selection Chest Gold
  • and much more!

Read more about the event in the guide.

From June 15 to 18, participate in the «Eternal Glory» event.

Attack Rebel Groups, send a dragon to explore, participate in matches in the Training Grounds, fight in Weirwood, trade with the Merchant Ship and get rewards.

By completing tasks, you can get:

  • Motivation
  • Resources
  • Accelerators
  • Truce
  • VIP Points
  • and other

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Enjoy the game!

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Guide – Increase Power

Guide – Increase Power

Increase Power

Available by icon 

During the duration of the event, complete military, technological, and construction tasks to raise your Power. The more Power you grow, the more rewards you can get.

Increase Power by 125 000:

  • Honor banner – 10
  • Warrior’s Protection 20% – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1

Increase Power by 250 000:

  • Honor banner – 10
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 2

Increase Power by 500 000:

  • Honor banner – 10
  • Warrior’s Summon 20% – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Training) – 3

Increase Power by 1 000 000:

  • Honor banner – 20
  • Race Boots 75% – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 4

Raise the Power to get into the ranking and get even more rewards.

Rank 1:

  • Diamond – 2 400
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 50
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 24
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 3
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 2

Rank 2:

  • Diamond – 1 800
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 40
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 15
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 2
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 1

Rank 3:

  • Diamond – 1 500
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 30
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 8
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 1
  • Grain 500 000 – 3

Rank 4-10:

  • Diamond – 900
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 20
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 6
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 2
  • Grain 500 000 – 2

Rank 11-30:

  • Diamond – 600
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 15
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 2
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 1
  • Grain 500 000 – 1

Rank 31-50:

  • Diamond – 300
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 10
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Research) – 1
  • Gold Dragons 50 000 – 2
  • Grain 150 000 – 2

Rank 51-100:

  • Diamond – 200
  • Mark of the True Dragon – 8
  • 30 mins Speed Up (Research) – 1
  • Gold Dragons 50 000 – 1
  • Grain 150 000 – 1

Attention: rewards can vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed upon receipt of additional information.

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  • 10.06.2020

    Guide - Attack a Rebel Group

    Attack a Rebel Group Available by icon  Complete the tasks of the event and get nice rewards. Tasks: Attack Rebel Group 6 times during the event: Refined rough - 10 5 mins Speed Up (research) - 1 Stone 15 000...
  • 13.06.2020

    Guide - Iron Bank's Gifts

    Iron Bank's Gifts Available by icon  Within 2 days from the start of the event, purchase a Westeros calendar worth 200 Black Diamonds and receive rewards worth 938,000 Diamonds in the Gold Treasury for 14 consecutive days. When you collect...


Events from June 11 – «Attack a Rebel Group», «Alliance Conquest» and «Increase Power»

Events from June 11 – «Attack a Rebel Group», «Alliance Conquest» and «Increase Power»


From June 11 to 13, the «Attack a Rebel Group» event will be available for you.

Attack Rebel Groups, claim Mysterious chest and get nice rewards.

You can get:

  • Resources
  • Various Speed Up
  • Normal Skill Raffle Token
  • Advanced Skill Raffle Token
  • and other things

Read more about the event and awards in the guide.

The Lannisters fight the Targaryens for Casterly Rock. Who will win this battle: the majestic Guardians of the West or the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

Which side will you fight on?

Participate in the Battle of Alliances from 12 to 14 June, earn points and get the best ranking rewards.

The event takes place in the format of seasons, each season consists of several stages.

At the end of the season, the results are summed up and an award is given to the best players and Alliances:

  • Various accelerators
  • Gold Dragons
  • Commanding Officers ‘ Medals
  • Friendship Chest
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Diamonds
  • Appearance of the castle
  • Title
  • and more

The rules of the Alliance Battle can be found in the guide.

From 13 to 15 June you can take part in the event «Increase Power».

Raise your Power in various ways and get nice rewards. 

And the first 100 participants of the rating will receive additional bonuses.

By participating in the event, you can get:

  • Diamonds
  • Mark of the True Dragon
  • Resources
  • Speed Up
  • and much more

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Have a nice game!

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Events from June 11 – «Feature Hero», «Angel’s Fortune» and «Exclusive Gifts»

Events from June 11 – «Feature Hero», «Angel’s Fortune» and «Exclusive Gifts»


From June 11 to 14, participate in the «Featured Hero» event.

Participation is a win-win – for any attempt you will receive Hero Shards. And the luckiest ones will win parts of artifact heroes.

To participate in the event, you need a Special Summon Voucher, which can be purchased for Diamonds or obtained under certain conditions.

1 free attempt to participate is given daily.

For each attempt you will receive a Point Chest.

Collect the required number of points and open special event chests. The more points you score, the more chests you will open and the more parts of artifact heroes you will get.

You can read more about the event and awards in the guide.

From June 11 to 13, hit the jackpot at the «Angel’s Fortune»  event.

The event is available for players from level 30 and above.

Play the slot machine using Fortune Voucher.

3 free Fortune Voucher are available daily, the rest can be obtained in various ways, including purchase for Diamonds.

For each attempt you will receive a reward or Fortune Coin, which can be exchanged for useful items in the Coin Shop.

The best rewards await those players who can receive special combinations.

Available rewards:

  • Starfall Sigil
  • Dawn of Glory Sigil
  • Inscription Stone
  • Divine Sanctuary Gem
  • and much more

Rewards may vary from event to event.

Note: Fortune Coin and Fortune Voucher disappear after the event.

Read more about the event in the guide.

From June 12 to 18, an event is available for you «Exclusive Gift».

Get Gold and Silver Keys for one-time and cumulative deposits to exchange them for useful bonuses and rewards.

Players who meet the special requirements will receive the main reward!

Available Rewards:

  • Parts of heroes and pets
  • Energy Stones
  • Portal Crystals
  • Sacred Pen
  • and much more

Attention: do not forget to exchange your keys, as they will disappear after the end of the event.

You can read more about the event and awards in the guide.

Have a nice game!

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