All posts by Agent008


Guide – War of the Kingdoms

Guide – War of the Kingdoms

War of the Kingdoms

Available by icon 

The duration is 2 days.


Westeros is at war again!

  • Servers with no protection status can participate in the battle.
  • The system automatically splits servers into groups. Points are awarded for both attack and defense.
  • The server that scores the most points wins.
  • Players on the server are awarded a rank based on the points scored.

The course of events

The event starts with a matchup, when opponents are identified and announced.

During training, players have 30 minutes to prepare their formation and choose tactics.

After training, the battle phase begins, during which players earn points for attacking/defensive actions.

At the end of the battle, a 5-minute truce is declared. Players move to their server for free.

After the truce, the diamond mining phase begins: within 24 hours, diamond mines appear in random places on the map, which disappear after collecting.

Transfer rules

During the event, players can use the transfer button in the event window to move their castle to a random location on the enemy server or return to their server. You will have one free try.

The cost – Random Transfer.

At the end of the battle, players move to a random location on their server for free.

During the battle, you can change the server 1 time in 30 minutes.

If your castle is attacked, the battle will start faster, and the transfer will end after it.

The siege rules

During the event, great cities become controversial. After the event, they become peaceful.

After the War of the Realms, the alliance that holds the city the longest will become its owner.

The bonus characteristics of the captured city are not added to the server bonus.

During the War of the Realms, you will no longer be able to award titles to other players on the Great City page.

Rules for getting points


Points can be earned for destroying enemy troops, collecting resources, and laying siege to great cities on enemy servers. The highest number of points can be obtained for capturing a great city.

The number of points for capturing a great city is calculated based on the number of troops holding it. The more troops you have, the more points you get.

The points you receive are counted both in your personal rating and in the alliance rating.

Learn more about glasses


The reward server

At the end of the event, a 24-hour diamond mining phase begins, during which players can find diamond mines on the map and collect diamonds.

The server that wins the event can find the diamond mines of levels 1-5 on its world map, while the loser can only find levels 1-3.

The more time passed, the more high-level mines appear on the map.

Alliance Award

Alliances that score enough points during the event can receive rewards for points.

At the end of the event, the top 100 alliances in the ranking can receive Alliance Ranking rewards.

Member’s Award

Players who score enough points during the event can receive rewards for points.

At the end of the event, the top 100 players in the ranking can receive personal rank rewards.

The bounty for

During the event, not every server finds the enemy server. The server can knock out the War of Kingdoms in one session.

All players on the eliminated server receive elimination rewards, which are sent by mail at the end of the event.

Other rules

Unavailable features

  • During the event, players cannot move to another server
  • During the event, players will no longer be able to join, leave, create, or dissolve an alliance
  • During the event, the king will no longer be able to grant titles to other players
  • During the event, players will no longer be able to track the passage of normal and elite tests

Other rules

Player Lords captured by the enemy during the event will be automatically released after 6 hours. they can’t be executed.

During the event, all players from the same group will be included in the same world chat.

War Supply

Cross-server Market 

Buy items that are useful for participating in the event with great discounts.

The number of products is limited.

War Pack

Only during the event you have the opportunity to purchase a special exclusive set for preparing for the War of the Kingdoms for 50 Black Diamonds once:

  • 60 mins Speed Up (Training) – 30
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (Training) – 20
  • 8 hrs Up (Training) – 10
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Heal) – 30
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (Heal) – 20
  • 8 hrs Speed Up (Heal) – 10
  • Precise Transfer – 2
  • Truce 24 Hours – 1
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% – 1
  • Warrior’s Protection 20% – 1

King’s Grace

Get useful items to win your kingdom (1 time per event):

  • Random Transfer – 2
  • 60 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up (heal) – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up (Heal) – 1
  • Race Boots 25% – 1
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Recall regiments – 2

Server Reward


Reward: Lv. 1-Lv. 5 Diamond mines for 24 hours.


Reward: Lv. 1-Lv. 3 Diamond mines for 24 hours.

  • Lv1 – Diamond mine 50-60/1 h.
  • Lv2 – Diamond mine 100-72/1 h.
  • Lv3 – Diamond mine 400-180/1 h.
  • Lv4 – Diamond mine 700-240/1 h.
  • Lv5-Diamond mine 2 100 – 514/1 h.

Alliance Battle Rewards

Point Rewards

Reach 4 725 000 Alliance points:

  • 30 mins Speed Up – 3
  • Grain 150 000 – 3
  • Wood 150 000 – 3
  • Stone 150 000 – 3
  • Iron 150 000 – 3

Reach 12 600 000 Alliance points:

  • 60 mins Speed Up – 2
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • Grain 500 000 – 2
  • Wood 500 000 – 2
  • Stone 500 000 – 2
  • Iron 500 000 – 2
  • Motivation 200 – 2

Reach 31 500 000 Alliance points:

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 2
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 2
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 2
  • Motivation 200 – 2
  • Quest Refresh Voucher -1

Rank Rewards

Rank 1 (Total value: 40 550 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 500
  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 3
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 2
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 2
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Materials Chest Gold – 1
  • Material Chest Violet – 1
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 2

Rank 2 (Total value: 36 450 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 300
  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 3
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 2
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 2
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Material Chest Violet – 1
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 2

Rank 3 (Total value: 34 500 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 100
  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 3
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 2
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 2
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 1
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 1

Rank 4-10 (Total value: 27 280 Diamonds):

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 3
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 1
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 1
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 1
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 1

Rank 11-30 (Total value: 19 230 Diamonds):

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 2
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 1
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 1
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 1
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 1

Rank 31-50 (Total value: 17 130 Diamonds):

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 3
  • Stone 500 000 – 3
  • Wood 500 000 – 3
  • Iron 500 000 – 3
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 1

Rank 51-100 (Total value: 16 130 Diamonds):

  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • VIP Points 100 – 2
  • Grain 500 000 – 4
  • Stone 500 000 – 3
  • Wood 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 500 000 – 3
  • Random Transfer – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 1

View Rankings

The world ranking is updated every 10 minutes.

Solo Reward

Point Rewards

Personal points reach 150 000 points:

  • Black Ears Warrior Medal – 2
  • 15 mins Speed Up – 2
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 3
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 2
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 2
  • Recall regiments – 4

Personal points reach 450 000 points:

  • Black Ears Warrior Medal – 3
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 2
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 4
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 4
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 4
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 4 hrs – 3
  • Warrior Protection 20% 4 hrs – 3
  • Extinguishing Sand – 1

Personal points reach 1 350 000 points:

  • Black Ears Warrior Medal – 10
  • Diamond – 400
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 2
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • Gold Dragons 600 000 – 2
  • Harvest Scroll 50% 24 hrs – 1
  • Truce 4 Hours – 2
  • Endurance 600 – 1
  • Motivation 200 – 3
  • Badge Chest Blue – 1
  • Race Boots 25% – 1

Rank Rewards

Rank 1 (Total value: 129 900 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 1 200
  • 24 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 2
  • VIP Points 1 000 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 4
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 4
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Blue – 4
  • Material Chest Gold – 12
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 4
  • Warrior’s Protection 20% 12 hrs – 4

Rank 2 (Total value: 107 700 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 1 000
  • 24 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 2
  • VIP Points 1 000 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 4
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 4
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Blue – 3
  • Material Chest Gold – 6
  • Warrior’s Inspiration 20% 12 hrs – 2
  • Warrior’s Protection 20% 12 hrs – 2

Rank 3 (Total value: 80 250 Diamonds):

  • Diamond – 600
  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 2
  • VIP Points 1 000 – 2
  • Grain 6 000 000 – 3
  • Stone 1 500 000 – 3
  • Wood 1 500 000 – 3
  • Iron 1 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Green – 2
  • Material Chest Value – 4

Rank 4-10 (Total value: 54 750 Diamonds):

  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 2
  • VIP Points 1 000 – 2
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 3
  • Stone 500 000 – 4
  • Wood 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Green – 1
  • Material Chest Value – 4

Rank 11-30 (Total value: 49 230 Diamonds):

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 2 000 000 – 2
  • Grain 2 000 000 – 3
  • Stone 500 000 – 4
  • Wood 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Green – 1
  • Material Chest Value – 3

Rank 31-50 (Total value: 26 030 Diamonds):

  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 2
  • Grain 500 000 – 3
  • Stone 500 000 – 4
  • Wood 500 000 – 4
  • Iron 500 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 2
  • Badge Chest Green – 1
  • Material Chest Value – 2

Rank 51-100 (Total value: 11 810 Diamonds):

  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • Gold Dragons 200 000 – 2
  • Grain 150 000 – 3
  • Stone 150 000 – 4
  • Wood 150 000 – 4
  • Iron 150 000 – 4
  • Race Boots 50% – 1
  • Badge Chest White – 1
  • Material Chest Blue – 2

View Rankings

The world ranking is updated every 10 minutes.

Attention: rewards can vary from event to event.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed as additional information becomes available.

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  • 05.06.2020

    Guide - Raising an army

    Raising an army Available by icon  Complete tasks to get a lot of rewards! Tasks: Increase Power by 18 000 from training troops during the event: 30 mins Speed Up - 1 5 mins Speed Up (Training) - 1 Stone...
  • 06.06.2020

    Guide - Dragon Hunt

    Dragon Hunt Available by icon  Get bait in the rebel trophies to find the dragon's lair and get a reward: Shadow Essence Horn of Awakening Mark of the True Dragon Ox Meat Deer Meat Goat Meat During the Rebel Group...


Guide – Raising an army

Guide – Raising an army

Raising an army

Available by icon 

Complete tasks to get a lot of rewards!


Increase Power by 18 000 from training troops during the event:

  • 30 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 5 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • Stone 15 000 – 1

Increase Power by 36 000 from training troops during the event:

  • 60 mins Speed Up – 1
  • 5 mins Speed Up (Training) – 2
  • Stone 15 000 – 2

Increase Power by 72 000 from training troops during the event:

  • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 15 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • Stone 15 000 – 4

Increase Power by 144 000 from training troops during the event:

  • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1
  • 15 mins Speed Up (Training) – 2
  • Stone 50 000 – 2

We remind you that the training of troops should be carried out in Barracks.

Attention: Tasks and rewards may vary from event to event.

The guide can be added or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 04.06.2020

    Guide - Return to Westeros

    Return to Westeros Available by icon  Invite your friends to come back to the game and join you in your glorious conquests! The event window displays a list of players who have not logged in to the game for a...
  • 06.06.2020

    Guide - War of the Kingdoms

    War of the Kingdoms Available by icon  The duration is 2 days. Description Westeros is at war again! Servers with no protection status can participate in the battle. The system automatically splits servers into groups. Points are awarded for both...


Events from June 5 – «Alliance Conquest», «Return to Westeros» and «Raising an army»

Events from June 5 – «Alliance Conquest», «Return to Westeros» and «Raising an army»

Inhabitants of Westeros!

The Lannisters fight the Targaryens for Casterly Rock. Who will win this battle: the majestic Guardians of the West or the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

Which side will you fight on?

Participate in the Battle of Alliances from 5 to 7 June, earn points and get the best ranking rewards.

The event takes place in the format of seasons, each season consists of several stages.

At the end of the season, the results are summed up and an award is given to the best players and Alliances:

  • Various accelerators
  • Gold Dragons
  • Commanding Officers ‘ Medals
  • Friendship Chest
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Diamonds
  • Appearance of the castle
  • Title
  • and more

The rules of the Alliance Battle can be found in the guide.

From June 5, the «Return to Westeros» event is available for you!

Invite your friends back to the game to join you in your glorious conquests!

For each returned friend, you will receive Companion points, which can be exchanged for useful and rare items in the event Store:

  • Appearance of castles
  • Medals of troops and commanders
  • Accelerators
  • Honor banner
  • Resources
  • and more

And every Lord who returns to the game is waiting for special events with a huge number of rewards:

  • Admission gifts for those who return within 7 days
  • Special 7-day tasks for which you can get a reward
  • Special Store-an exclusive store for returning players

Read more about the event in the guide.

From June 6 to 7, you will see the event «Raising an army».

Create a strong army and get a reward for this! 

We remind you that you need to train troops in Barracks.

For completing tasks, events can be obtained:

  • Speed Up (Training)
  • Speed Up
  • Stone

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Enjoy the game!

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Update 04.06.2020

Update 04.06.2020

Hello, my Lord!
The Maesters from Maester’s Tower have completed the update.

Here are the contents of this update:

1. Functionality

  • Added a new event “Treasure of the Seven Kingdoms”.Lords and ladies from the same kingdom will be able to unite for the sake of treasure hunting. If the combined lords can protect the found treasure before the allotted time expires, then all team members will receive useful prizes.

2. Improvements

  • The battle reports of the great cities will now display the amount of merit received;
  • Added a chance to get Fire Essence to Rebel Camp Trophies;
  • The collection window will now display the distance between your lord and the collection leader;
  • Changes have been made to Commander Annie’s guard skills;
  • Now the lords will be able to apply the Truce during the gathering on the rebel camps and the dragon’s lair.

3. Fixed bugs

  • Now all sound effects are played correctly;
  • Union gifts will now be displayed correctly;
  • The number of purchases in the Elite Challenge store is now displayed correctly.

Get ready for winter and enjoy the battle!

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Guide – Return to Westeros

Guide – Return to Westeros

Return to Westeros

Available by icon 

Invite your friends to come back to the game and join you in your glorious conquests!

The event window displays a list of players who have not logged in to the game for a long time. You can call any of them back to the game if you have contact with them.

This window also displays your invitation code, which you must share with your friend.

When the player you invited returns to the game and enters your code on their page, you will receive a certain number of Companion points, and you will both receive a nice reward.

You will be able to earn Companion points for logging into the game, completing daily tasks, and buying Black Diamonds after your friend returns to the game.

The points you earn can be spent in the Event Store.

In addition to exchanging points in the event store, you can receive a Reward Chest daily.

If you were invited and you returned to the game

  • Back in the game, enter the received invitation code in the “Set of former glory” window and collect useful resources.
  • In addition, you have the opportunity to get even more rewards by participating in events on the occasion of the return to Westeros:
  • Admission gifts for those who return within 7 days
  • Special 7-day tasks for which you can get a reward
  • Special Store-an exclusive store for returning players

Changing the server

Players who have not been in the game for more than 30 days get the opportunity to move to another server for free. You can only go to a server that was opened at least 90 days ago.

The guide can be added or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 03.06.2020

    Guide - Honorable Duty event

    Honorable Duty event Available by icon  Complete tasks and get items from the Honorable Duty Token event, which can be exchanged for items in the Honorable Duty Shop. Tasks: Get from gathering sites 20 times - gathering resources during the...
  • 05.06.2020

    Guide - Raising an army

    Raising an army Available by icon  Complete tasks to get a lot of rewards! Tasks: Increase Power by 18 000 from training troops during the event: 30 mins Speed Up - 1 5 mins Speed Up (Training) - 1 Stone...


June 4 – Maintenance!

June 4 – Maintenance!

Dear players!

On June 4 at 03:00 (GMT), all servers will be shut down due to maintenance!

The approximate duration is 4 hours.

Please consider this information when planning your gaming activity!

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Events from June 4 – «Resource Gathering», «Honorable Duty» and «Honorable Duty Shop»

Events from June 4 – «Resource Gathering», «Honorable Duty» and «Honorable Duty Shop»


From June 4 to 6, you will see the event «Resources Gathering».

Collect various resources and get rewarded for it!

We remind you that the collection of resources is carried out on the world map.

For completing tasks, events can be obtained:

  • Endurance 
  • Accelerators
  • Wood 

Read more about the event in the guide.

From June 4 to 8, take part in the «Honorable Duty event».

Complete tasks in Honorable Duty, get Honorable Duty Token and exchange them for useful items in Honorable Duty Shop:

  • Endurance 100
  • 60 mins Speed Up
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Motivation 200

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Enjoy the game!

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  • 01.06.2020

    Events from June 2 - «Alliance Conquest» and «Voyager»

    Inhabitants of Westeros! The Lannisters fight the Targaryens for Casterly Rock. Who will win this battle: the majestic Guardians of the West or the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms? Which side will you fight on? Participate in the Battle of...
  • 03.06.2020

    June 4 - Maintenance!

    Dear players! On June 4 at 03:00 (GMT), all servers will be shut down due to maintenance! The approximate duration is 4 hours. Please consider this information when planning your gaming activity!

Guide – Honorable Duty event

Guide – Honorable Duty event

Honorable Duty event

Available by icon 

Complete tasks and get items from the Honorable Duty Token event, which can be exchanged for items in the Honorable Duty Shop.


  • Get from gathering sites 20 times – gathering resources during the event has a chance to grant Honorable Duty Token.
  • Rebel Group 10 times – attacking Rebel Groups during the event has a chance to grant Honorable Duty Token.
  • Alliance help 30 times – helping Alliance members during the event has a chance to grant Honorable Duty Token.
  • Get from Weirwood Tree Trials 30 times – challenging Weirwood Tree Trials during the event has a chance to grant Honorable Duty Token.

Note: Tasks are updated daily at 00: 00 and may change from event to event.

Honorable Duty Shop

Available by icon 

Exchange the received Honorable Duty Token for useful items.

Items to exchange:

  • Endurance 100 -> Honorable Duty Token x30, redeemed items 9 999
  • 60 mins Speed Up -> Honorable Duty Token x6, redeemed items 9 999
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree -> Honorable Duty Token x100, redeemed items 2
  • Motivation 200 -> Honorable Duty Token x10, redeemed items 9 999

The number of available Honorable Duty Tokens can be viewed here:

Please note: Exchange items may vary from event to event.

The guide can be added or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 03.06.2020

    Guide - Resources Gathering

    Resources Gathering Available by icon  Gather various resources during the event to get abundant rewards. Tasks: Gather 600 000 resources in total during the event: Endurance 100 - 1 5 mins Speed Up (Training) - 1 Wood 15 000 -...
  • 04.06.2020

    Guide - Return to Westeros

    Return to Westeros Available by icon  Invite your friends to come back to the game and join you in your glorious conquests! The event window displays a list of players who have not logged in to the game for a...

Guide – Resources Gathering

Guide – Resources Gathering

Resources Gathering

Available by icon 

Gather various resources during the event to get abundant rewards.


Gather 600 000 resources in total during the event:

  • Endurance 100 – 1
  • 5 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • Wood 15 000 – 1

Gather 1 250 000 resources in total during the event:

  • Endurance 100 – 1
  • 5 mins Speed Up (Training) – 2
  • Wood 15 000 – 2

Gather 2 500 000 resources in total during the event:

  • Endurance 100 – 2
  • 15 mins Speed Up (Training) – 1
  • Wood 15 000 – 4

Gather 5 000 000 resources in total during the event:

  • Endurance 100 – 4
  • 15 mins Speed Up (Training) – 2
  • Wood 50 000 – 2

Attention: Tasks and rewards may vary from event to event.

You can collect resources in World:

The guide can be added or changed as information becomes available.

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  • 01.06.2020

    Guide - Voyager/Navigator

    Voyager/Navigator Available by icon  To enter the event, you need to click on the icon in the calendar or go to the ship. You can choose to explore the Normal or Legendary route. An attempt to explore a Normal route...
  • 03.06.2020

    Guide - Honorable Duty event

    Honorable Duty event Available by icon  Complete tasks and get items from the Honorable Duty Token event, which can be exchanged for items in the Honorable Duty Shop. Tasks: Get from gathering sites 20 times - gathering resources during the...


Events from June 3 – «Carnival» and «Resource Tycoon (Single server)»

Events from June 3 – «Carnival» and «Resource Tycoon (Single server)»


From June 3 to 7, participate in the «Carnival»!

The carnival includes many activities, so you will be able to:

  • Go to the Elite Dungeons for the event items, and then exchange them in the Store for valuable items
  • Play Roulette with nice prizes
  • Take part in Parties with interesting tasks and rewards
  • To participate in further events of the Carnival

The event plan, the party schedule and, of course, the description of the awards in our new guide.

From June 4 to 7, take part in the event «Resource Tycoon (Single Server)»!

Get event resources, earn tycoon points, collect rating rewards and exchange Silver Coins (server) for products in a special store.

Attention: before participating in the event, be sure to read the rules.

Available Rewards:

  • Parts of heroes
  • Items to strengthen and create equipment
  • Pet Cleaning Stones
  • Chests of gems
  • Face prints
  • and much more

You can read more about the event and awards in the guide.

Have a nice game!

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