Maintenance, June 2
Greetings, Heroes! 📆 Tomorrow, the servers will be offline for maintenance from 00:30-03:30(server time). ⚙️ Access to the game may be unavailable for up to 3 hours or longer. We will...
Tag news
Events from June 1 – «Eternal Glory» and «Children’s Fair»
Lords! From June 1 to 4, participate in the «Eternal Glory» event. Attack Rebel Groups, send a dragon to explore, participate in matches in the Training Grounds, fight in Weirwood,...
NEW SERVERS – “S23: Quagot” and “S23: Huskar”
Warriors! The henchmans of the Dragon King have resurrected their merciless leader Balerian! Desperate, the Angels opened a portal to the past so that the great warriors could make a...
Weekend Event
Great warriors! Today we're launching two special events – Weekend Lucky Wheel and Weekend Carnival, which will last two days from 30.05 to 31.05. Available by icon Weekend Carnival By participating in the event you...
Guide – Weekend Event
Weekend Carnival Event available by icon Event duration – 2 days. Single recharge Bonus Get an extra reward for a single recharge! Single Recharge 500 Diamonds: Orange Exp. Scroll – 5...
Events from May 30 – «Wheel of Fortune», «X-Server Roulette» and «Theresa’s Summoner»
Warriors! From May 30 to June 1, rotate «Wheel of Fortune»! To participate in the event, you will need diamonds or Wheel of fortune Tickets. For spinning the Regular and...
X-Server Angel’s Fortune and Featured hero – Shaedra
Warriors! From May 27 to May 30, hit the jackpot at the «X-Server Angel's Fortune event». The event is available for players from level 30 and above. Play the slot...
New server «S84: Heavy Cavalryman» is already open!
The Dragons are awaken and the new gateway to the Dragon Lord wolrd is open on the new «S84: Heavy Cavalryman» server! In the first days on the new server,...
Event "Roulette" (05/27/2020)
Good news, Everyone! Today was launched an exciting event "Roulette", in which you can get a lot of valuable awards and consumables! Rules of the event. When you recharge game...
Events from May 27 – «Angel’s Fortune», «Hero Backstory» and «Featured Hero»
Warriors! From May 27 to 29, hit the jackpot at the «Angel's Fortune» event. The event is available for players from level 30 and above. Play the slot machine using...