Great warriors!
Today we’re launching four special events – Father’s Day Carnival, Father’s Day Lucky Wheel, Exotic Magic Lamp and Fabled Shop, which will last five days from 18.06 to 22.06.
Father’s Day
Available by icon 
Father’s Day Carnival

By participating in the event you will receive rewards for daily entry into the game, for the purchase and spending of game currency.
Father’s Day Lucky Wheel

Spin the Lucky Slot and win prizes, exchange points for valuable items, get into the rating and get the best rewards!
Participating in the Father’s Day, you can get:
- Improved Summoning Scroll
- Sillven Shard
- Apollo
- Heroic Shard Chest
- Demigod Wings
- Lvl 9 Gem Chest
- and much more!
Read more about the event and rewards in the guide.
Exotic Magic Lamp
These lamps are not ways to work miracles, but they are also magical and can bring a lot of wealth to their owner, if you’re lucky!

Rub the lamps to get rewards!
5 types of lamps are available. The richer the lamp, the greater the reward.
By participating in the event you can get:
- Condensed Stamina Potion
- Divine Stone
- Lvl 1 Appearances Soul
- Soul Crystal
- Lvl 8 Gem Chest
- and much more!
Read more about the event and rewards in the guide.
Fabled Shop
Available by icon 

Exchange Fabled Cryslals for special items at Fabled Shop.
The following items are available for exchange:
- Lvl 80 Heroic Shard Chest
- SSR Mercenary Shard Chest
- SR Mercenary Shard Chest
- Diamond
- and much more!
Read more about the event and rewards in the guide.
Have a nice game!