Events on server S1 (08/22/2018)
Greetings, warriors! We are glad to announce, that today on the first server (S1:Ancient road) were started several profitable events! 1 – «Divination Orb» 2 – «Mystic Shop» 3 –...
Tag news
New server «S13: Frostbite lord»
Good news, everyone! New server «S13: Frostbite lord» is already open! Start your journey on a new server right now! There you could use all your game experience and will...
Events on server S1 (08/15/2018)
Greetings, warriors! We are glad to announce, that today on the first server (S1:Ancient road) were started several profitable events! 1 – «Daily Topup» 2 – «Starsky Treasure» 3 –...
New server «S12: Dark Corsair»
Good news, everyone! New server «S12: Dark Corsair» is already open! Start your journey on a new server right now! There you could use all your game experience and will...
New server «S11: Vermintide»
Good news, everyone! New server «S11: Vermintide» is already open! Start your journey on a new server right now! There you could use all your game experience and will be...
Events on server S1:Ancient road
Greetings, warriors! We are glad to announce, that today on the first server (S1:Ancient road) were started several profitable events! 1 – «Single Topup» 2 – «Mystic Shop» 3 –...
New events on server S1:Ancient road
Greetings, warriors! We are glad to announce, that today on the first server (S1:Ancient road) were started several profitable events! 1 – «Divination Orb» (NEW) 2 – «Starsky Treasure» 3...
Maintanance completed ( July 31, 2018)
Greetings, warriors! We are glad to announce that the maintenance has been successfully completed and the servers are available. During the maintenance were fixed next bugs: ► Announcement of event...
Maintenance – July 31, 2018
Greetings, warriors! Tomorrow, July 31, 2018 at 02:00 (server time) game servers will be shutted down for a maintenance. Approximately time of works – 2 hours. We will additionally announced...
New server «S8: Ancient Islet»
Good news, everyone! New server «S8: Ancient Islet» is already open! Start your journey on a new server right now! There you could use all your game experience and will...