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  • #12299


    So, I’m a bit lost on one thing. Is the wheel of Fate staying as a new game thing? Why so many things are added that only those who have money to access can get it? I have no access to these types of things and I’m sure others who love playing the game like me are annoyed when we have an event or addition that makes the game MORE difficult to play than before. I love this game but.. if this kind of thing keeps happening; I’m more than likely going to have to drop it, and I really don’t want to do that.

  • #5359


    Thank you for fixing the issues. It runs just as normal. Many thanks for hearing us out devs and mods! ^_^

  • #5318


    One problem is fixed, another bug or bugs come along.It seems Today bugs are:

    -Event icon starts loading, the lags. When it does load though, even for logging in; it won’t allow me to get any boxes on the events page.

    -None of the daily tasks ( bounty hunter or daily quests) are loading correctly. I managed to get up to 4 bandits down and it wouldn’t let me progress even after 5 in. of waiting.

    I can only hope that tonights main events will allow me to partake in them (World Boss and Yulin St.) because this is becoming a tad strenuous at this point sadly and I’d HATE to drop a great MMO like this one.

Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)
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