All news Game of Thrones13.05.2023

Events from May 14 – «Alliance Conquest», «Seven’s Treasure», «King of Eternal Winter», «Alliance Mobilization» and «Eternal Glory»

Events from May 14 – «Alliance Conquest», «Seven’s Treasure», «King of Eternal Winter», «Alliance Mobilization» and «Eternal Glory»


The Lannisters fight the Targaryens for Casterly Rock. Who will win this battle: the majestic Guardians of the West or the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

Which side will you fight on?

Participate in the Battle of Alliances from May 14 to 17, earn points and get the best ranking rewards.

The event takes place in the format of seasons, each season consists of several stages.

At the end of the season, the results are summed up and an award is given to the best players and Alliances:

  • Various accelerators
  • Gold Dragons
  • Commanding Officers ‘ Medals
  • Friendship Chest
  • Spirit of Weirwood Tree
  • Diamonds
  • Appearance of the castle
  • Title
  • and more

The rules of the Alliance Battle can be found in the guide.

From May 14 to 17, take part in the «Seven’s Treasure» event.

Buy Maiden Relic and exchange them for items in a special store:

  • Images of troops and castles
  • Speed Up
  • Badge Chest
  • Diamonds
  • Friendship Chest
  • and more

Read more about the event in the guide.

From May 14 to 16, a unique event «King of Eternal Winter» is available for you.

You can create your own pack, which already includes the medals of the new commander – 
Night King

Also, 4 more awards from the offered ones are available for selection. And only you decide what they will be.

Awards to choose from:

  • Mark of the True Dragon
  • Random Book of Wisdom
  • SS universal Troop Medal
  • Diamonds
  • and much more

And by completing additional tasks, you will get even more Night King Medals!

You can read more about the event and awards in the guide.

From May 15 to 26, the «Alliance Mobilization» event is available for you.

Your alliance must have at least 25 members.

Your lock must be level 15 or higher.

Complete various tasks, earn points, take the highest places in the ranking and collect the best awards of the event.

After the end of the event, all alliance members will be able to choose a reward depending on the number of completed stages. And the top 5 alliances will receive additional gifts.

By participating in the event, you can get:

  • Badge
  • Diamonds
  • Mask of the Faceless Men
  • Book of COnfession
  • Battle Codex
  • Speed Up
  • The Experience Of The Lord
  • and much more.

Read more about the event in the guide.

From May 15 to 18, participate in the «Eternal Glory» event.

Attack Rebel Groups, send a dragon to explore, participate in matches in the Training Grounds, fight in Weirwood, trade with the Merchant Ship and get rewards.

By completing tasks, you can get:

  • Motivation
  • Resources
  • Accelerators
  • Truce
  • VIP Points
  • and other

Read more about the event in the guide.

Attention! Some events can start in different kingdoms on different days.

Good luck in the game!

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