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What is a Diamond Packet???

Forums Dragon Lord Guides What is a Diamond Packet???

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Marley Reese 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3895


    I have gotten 2 now, and I try to “use” it, but it then doesn’t let me “send” it to anyone. What is it, and how do I use it??????????

  • #3896


    Hm. It seems like the intention is that you can send a few diamonds to anyone who claims, in your faction chat. Using it opens the faction chat window, so that’s probably relevant. Somewhat like how people in cross-server auction all get amethyst spread between them. However, it doesn’t seem to work yet, and the send button doesn’t do anything. Some others from S3 also experienced that error.

    You probably aren’t missing out on anything at the moment, unless someone’s figured out some convoluted way to make it work. I haven’t seen it used, however.

  • #3897


    those packets there are diamond and gold packets from what I have seen on different platforms and it seems they dont work on any of the platforms

  • #3907


    Thank you all for the replies! I’m glad it’s not just me!

  • #3913


    They dont work on any of the platforms. We hope that the experts will fix it soon.

  • #6706

    Marley Reese

    I have 6 of the gold packets, I noticed that the button to submit it to the chat box is missed typed (spelled Seng) could that be the issue? My screen shot is to big a file to post.

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