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vip 4 after spending tons

Forums Dragon Lord Discussions vip 4 after spending tons

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  nameless DM S3 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #3296


    after spending a few hundred dollars on this game I am still unable to activate vip 4 how do I achieve this so I can move up?

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3299

    nameless DM S3

    in total you must recharge 5.000 amber and buy vip package and activate it, each 100 amber = 1 grow point, each day you play with activated vip card youl get + 1 grow point /day, vip 4 needs in total of 50 grow points,vip 5 100, and so on

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3313


    thank you for the information. so I have to buy through that part in the upper left hand side when I buy the 4.99 one?

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3319

    nameless DM S3

    no, you can buy any amount of amber from recharge panel, just go to “shop ” and buy vip pack and activate it , like on picture attached


    buy activating this pack youl get vip benefits for 31 days and 1 mount trial card, which allows you to get double rewards from blitsing mount trial once

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3327


    I’ll let tort0 answer this, as I’m not familiar with these things.

    If it helps, the ‘mount trial card’ he mentions is called the ‘Trial Tome’ by the game, and you can see it right below the VIP pack in tort0’s image. I’ve attached an image of its description, which is similar to tort0’s phrasing. Blitzing Mount Trial has the Trial Tome checked as a default option, so you might have noticed having to uncheck that if you don’t use them often. I think one faction-mate had been uncertain about whether they could blitz Mount Trial at all, because they didn’t have a trial tome.


    The game describes VIP pack in this manner, similar to how tort0 describes it:


    They answered the main question, I’m just adding a brief addendum.

    Thanks for helping them with this, tort0. 🙂 Hopefully the OP has been carefully watching their mines while this conversation was occurring, you never know what could happen.


    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3597


    Why is it that u onley get VIP for 31 days ?
    In every other game i playd (alot of online games) when u get VIP u stay VIP as long as u play, this sucks will not pay anything in this game as long as it is like this.

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12
  • #3623

    nameless DM S3

    21573721 this question you must ask prob marketing managers…its true that most game today have vip privilege activated by one time recharge, and for ever, but im sure this kind of vip system is made for milking…

    Last edited: 19.12.2018 07:12

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