I am lvl 59.
For days now, most of my heros’ Soul Upgrade have been maxed with no additional stat increase, or stat boost. I thought maybe they needed to level or reach higher stages to allow Soul Stats to start again. Each has lvl at least 3 times, some Upgraded to stage 15, with evolve stage increasing several times..Still stuck with Soul Stage….
So heros can grow and evolve up to a certain point and then you have to replace them? Makes sense, but why is a six star Demon Stalker maxed in the 60s level?
I have:
Demn Stklr Lvl 71, UpGrd Stg 15; Evl Stg 8; Soul Stg 7 won’t upgrd Soul “same stat x 0, stat boost 0”
Howl Lvl 62, UpGrd Stg 8; Evl Stg 8; Soul Stg 7 says same as above
Flora Qwn Lvl 63, UpGrd Stg 10; Evl Stg 8; Soul Stg 9 says same as above
Void Eplr Lvl.63, UpGrd Stg 9; Evl Stg 8; Soul Stg 11 says “same stats x 3, stats bst x 10%”