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pets can anyone explain

Forums Dragon Lord Discussions pets can anyone explain

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  HERO 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #10259


    i dont understand the pet system at all. i go to catch the pets in primeval used the exp and it dissapeared next day. is that normal. i understand u have to get two of the same pet in order to use the blue balls. but how to get more pets. other then cross server boss auction which doesn’t work well.from what i see captering in primeval has no purpose. is this just a useless thing i shouldn’t even bother with. it rely bugs i cant find info on it anywhere. the only thing i find they are good for is pet tripe and getting gold from that.this just seems useless and expensive.if anyone can give a better explanation i would appreciate that.

  • #10261


    In Primeval you have chances of getting cards for your pets, which give you ability exp. And when boss appears on Friday, you can also get a Pet Skin (Chances here are low unless you have some of the higher quality nets). If you need more pets, then Cross Server Boss (patience, you will get them sooner or later, I got all of mine from there) or Recharge (some recharge events have pet shards).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Anthea.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Anthea.
  • #10264


    ty for that what i was asking is i used those cards on my pet and looked the next day and it was gone is that mybe a glitch? or is there a different way to do it and i did it wrong.

  • #10430


    What exactly disappeared? Your fusion level? Could you maybe provide a screenshot? This is how mine looks at the moment, with Fusion level 4 from the cards.

  • #10432


    yes i do have good news were last time i had saved up 40 ropes and lost all my exp this time i had 11 and it stayed so it was a glitch but realy to loose 40 ropes and a net kinda bugs lol.

  • #10433


    anthea i lost everything it was 0 my aptitude br and fusion level which i balive was 3 i lost everything i did it right as i reached the level. i must have hit an odd glitch of some kind.

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