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Guard the Goddess

Forums Dragon Lord Discussions Guard the Goddess

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Maeve 4 years ago.

  • Author
  • #12420

    Marley Reese

    Is it possible to add an option that will allow the commander to choose if they want the wizards to appear randomly in rows rather than just the first two? My faction has an issue with players just camping at the front of these rows waiting on the wizards and that is all they do. It also prevents a horde of players on the left and only 1 or 2 on the right.

    Thank you,

    ~Marley R.

  • #12600


    Agreed this needs to be done.

  • #12608


    how about we also make them more challenging, i mean this event is very dull and needs more of a challenge and or make it more strategic or something.

  • #12616

    Marley Reese

    How about a pop up dragon battle?

  • #12648

    Leon Gross

    Completely agree something needs to be done to make this more fair for the smaller players without penalizing the larger players. A get solution would be making the Wizards appear randomly and adding something such as a dragon or “boss” appear during this extremely long event.
    Another suggestion would simply be to make more than one room in guard the goddess, like there is for Pet Boss. Have it split up by levels, which gives incentive to keep growing as well as not hindering anyone group.

  • #12656


    I mean, most people past a relatively low level can kill the orcs quite quickly. I’m not sure that there’s that much reason to split up the event, when it’s not that important and on many servers only one or two people even show up. I agree that there is a lot of tedium to the event, since it’s mostly just a repetitive task of slaying orcs. Plus, some lanes not having wizards seems unnecessary. Maybe having some occasional boss (other than the one that only appears when many people show up) or other variety would make it more interesting and less tiresome to most.

  • #42752

    Marley Reese

    BTW…I love the add on of the Orc Leaders. Thx ~Marley R.

  • #44850



    Thank you for the suggestions. I’ll forward them to our developers. Perhaps, they will add it to the gameplay.

  • #46324


    Can you make the Orc leaders appear randomly so they not only appear from 1 gate but random from all 4 .Not on a standard rotation but really random.

    As well shorten the time to 15min.. 25min is pretty long

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  Theonlyghost.
    • #47601



      Thank you for the suggestions. I’ll forward them to our developers. Perhaps, they will add it to the gameplay.

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