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Mostofthetimeyouc~!@#uallycompleteasentencewithoutsettingoffthelanguagefiler… Butasyoucanseefromthi@#$ample,simple,non-offensive,messagescansetitoff… Duetothefacttha$%~!notrecognizingspaces,itwillcombinelettersfromseperatewordstoformwordsdeemedoffensive… Toaddinsulttoinjury,ifasentencedoesnotp!@#thelanguagefilter,theoffensivepartisfilteredandallspacesremoved… Thismakesthemessage$@#treamlyhardtoread… Thelistofwordsthatarefilteredincludeforeignslangwhichtrigger@#$@sonthefilter… Thisi%~!tremlyfrustratingwhenyoudon’tevenknowwhyyoursentencewasfiltered…
Thispostwasdesignedsotha@#$@how!@#actlywhatweseeingame… Andtoillustratetheneedforthefiltertobereworkedsotha#$@#notahindrancetotheplayers…
Just in case you are not fluent in filterese, here is the original text before running it through the game filter…
Most of the time you can usually complete a sentence without setting off the language filer… But as you can see from this example, simple, non-offensive, messages can set it off… Due to the fact that its not recognizing spaces, it will combine letters from seperate words to form words deemed offensive… To add insult to injury, if a sentence does not pass the language filter, the offensive part is filtered and all spaces removed… This makes the messages extreamly hard to read… The list of words that are filtered include foreign slang which triggers hits on the filter… This is extremly frustrating when you don’t even know why your sentence was filtered…
This post was designed so that it shows exactly what we see in game… And to illustrate the need for the filter to be reworked so that its not a hindrance to the players…
Last edited: 16.07.2020 05:19