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In the dev tools:
Tracking Prevention blocked access to storage for <URL>.
espritgames.com/:1 Tracking Prevention blocked access to storage for https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js.

en_main.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘enable’ of null
at Function.e.setBlend (en_main.js:1)
at Function.t.set2DRenderConfig (en_main.js:1)
at Function.U.isWebGL.E.clear (en_main.js:1)
at new t (en_main.js:1)
at Object.e.init (en_main.js:1)
at Function.T.__init__ (en_main.js:1)
at Function.T.init (en_main.js:1)
at t.initView (en_main.js:1)
at new t (en_main.js:1)
at en_main.js:1

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