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Forums Game of Thrones Technical issues Support not answering Reply To: Support not answering


Thank God , I was biteing my finger nails and grindinng teeth hopeing is all well in good , but i need to alert you the game is working as expected , and small and quick moments wen the game loads with whatever character of the game , the window that’s is in the middle that you must have seen in my earlier screen shots apear , but then disapear and the game comes on , so i did not screen shot it due to you have some allready , at the momment , its doing like i said as expected , if anything after this happends i will screen shot it, ohh in game some times wen on top of the icon of messages apears a purple box similar to the avatar character you have of mine but disapears , other than that is working . I Want To Thank You Inmensely , You Have Help Me So Much , so im apresitive of your’re help , So Thank You , Let’s Hope Everything Runs Acordingly and unterupted , because we are prepareing for the next time for the battle of the army of the dead and some moust perhaps castle siege battle’s , again i will inform you of anything i incounter beyond this point , again thank you su very much. 🙂

Lord Meridia ,Earl Of Sunspear , K202 .

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