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Forums Game of Thrones Technical issues Support not answering Reply To: Support not answering


Theres a rectangule–>Here from 1 or 2, the left side says error because of the icon, is a red circle with and x in the middle that’s a Error Icon, the other is A Yello Triagle WITH AN !, what i have Told You, So you can see is on top of default Levels and next to this—->files hidden ,

Can You Tell Me You’re Time Frame, Of Wen Do You Get On, To Help Me Thru This Problem , Is Imperative That I Log On And Help My Alliance or The System Or The Leader Mite Just Boot Me Out, And I Can’t Let That Happen the Problem Is Not From My Side, Is From The Game Systems, Im Waiting For A Miracle Of Sorts to end this problem Once And for all.

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