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Reply To: Plundering After the Merge S37

Forums Dragon Lord Discussions Plundering After the Merge S37 Reply To: Plundering After the Merge S37



i would agree with that whole heartily problem being this game is a ripe off of dragon awaken which has been around for along time now (longtime being 5 or more years in the gaming community) and it still hasn’t been fixed all they did is add gardean which is the best they will probably do. getting them to do that is a miracle in itself considering plundering is a main reason people spend. its also a huge motivator for people to work harder on there game. idialy plunder shouldn’t take any gold from players and there should be easier and more ways to get gold but honestly they want the competition to be hard so people are forced to spend and work on toon. sadly a p2w game is never nice to free players.

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