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i use a windows 10 and i have played on each browser, the chat system for me only work in windows mode if i go fullscreen it does not work. and when it does work in windows mode about 30 mins ino the game it will start to lag i will type something 10sec later it shows up. you guys should consider joining facebook gameroom u will get more members and a gaming platform for your game to run on. what i mean about game crashes everyone the talks in the game will say they need to refresh game every 30 mins cause it runs slows and how many bugs. and i didn’t stare at the screen to long i was thinking of a name 20 sec and the went auto mode and pick my name u should remove that feture, what a rude remark, aswell again ur gguys class change system that is 19.99$ doesn’t work i u want a male imperial it just make u a girl and u guys still haven’t fixed that issue on my support ticket.

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