Guides League of Angels: Heaven's Fury20.04.2021

Guide – Celebrating the anniversary of open Beta testing

Guide – Celebrating the anniversary of open Beta testing

Celebrating the anniversary of open Beta testing

Available by icon 

Anniversary Flip Card

To participate in the event, you need a Flip Voucher item.

You can get it by meeting certain conditions, or buy it in the event itself.

You can also get additional Vouchers and rewards in Events for various activities.

Available by icon 

During the draw, players will receive various gifts.

For each participation, you can get one random item guaranteed:

  • 100 Pink diamonds – x10
  • Mysterious meteoric iron – x40
  • 100 Pink diamonds – x20
  • Storage key – x5
  • 50,000 Diamonds – x5
  • Storage key – x15
  • 50,000 Diamonds – x10
  • Coat of arms of the saint – x3
  • Mysterious meteoric iron – x20
  • Coat of arms of the saint – x6

To get the reward that is needed to create a Crystal, it must be presented on the field 3 times. I.e. to get, for example, a Bow, out of 9 open cards – 3 must be with the image of a Bow.

You will also receive Event Points for participation. The more points you get, the more additional rewards you can collect.


60 points:

  • Divine pen – x60

140 points:

  • Blood essence – x40

240 points:

  • Crown – x1

360 points:

  • Crown – x1

480 points:

  • Crown – x1

600 points:

  • Destructive Red Dragon – x1

The crown can be exchanged for great rewards in the Anniversary Shop.


You can create a Crystal that is a certificate to participate in the Anniversary Contest.

To do this, you will need:

  • Sword – x1
  • Staff – x1
  • Onion – x1

Warning: The unused Crystal will disappear at the end of the event.

Anniversary Contest

Take part in the Competition and win rewards!

To participate, you need a Crystal.

Click the Start button and move to a special location with the boss.

By defeating the boss, you can win one of the rewards:

  • Divine origin of the angel – x100 
  • Blood essence – x3 
  • Divine pen – x3
  • Dragon Crystal – x1
  • Blessing of the King of the Gods – costume – x1
  • Blessing of the King of the Gods – divine weapon – x1

Anniversary Store

Exchange various event items for gifts in the Anniversary Store.

Attention: the number of exchanges is limited.

Can be exchanged:

  • King of the Gods Blessing Set – 3 Crowns
  • Blessing of the King of the Gods Divine Weapon – 2 Crowns
  • Blessing of the King of the Gods-Suit – 2 Crowns
  • Crystal of the Lord x100 – 1 Crown
  • Dragon Crystal – 1 Crown
  • Divine Light Crystal x5 – 1 Crown
  • Dawn Crystal x5 – 1 Crown
  • Sword – 1 Open Beta Anniversary Voucher (Any)
  • Staff – 1 Open Beta Anniversary Voucher (Any)
  • Bow – 1 Open Beta Anniversary Voucher (Any)
  • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 Sword
  • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 Staff
  • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 Bow
  • Fruit of Growth – 10 Swords
  • Fruit of Growth – 10 Staffs
  • Fruit of growth – 10 Bows

Attention: after the end of the event, all the items of the event will be unavailable.

The guide is for informational purposes only and can be changed upon receipt of additional information.

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