All news Game of Thrones29.09.2022

Update 29.09.2022

Update 29.09.2022

Hello, my Lord!
The Maesters from Maester’s Tower have completed the update.

Here are the contents of this update:

1. All-Out Related

  • New Feature: Sharing own army.
  • New Feature: Added button to refresh ally resilience and carrying capacity.
  • Improvement: Improved load and unload experience from warehouse.
  • Improvement: Improved experience with healing soldiers and resilience restoration.
  • Adjustment: Adjusted cooldown for sharing feature.
  • Bug Fixed: Fixed some display errors.
  • Bug Fixed: Fixed issue that Battle Points displayed incorrectly in battle reports.
  • Rebalance: Eagle Eyes can no longer trigger Pincer Attack.
  • Rebalance: Jeane’s Active Skill’s bonus duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Rebalance: Daena’s Active Skill’s Spearmen Attack Bonus increased from 80%| 160%| 260%| 400%| 800% to 150%| 300%| 600%| 1000%| 1500%. Duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Rebalance: Senelle’s Active Skill’s bonus duration for commanded troops increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds. Cavalry Attack Bonus increased from 130%| 260%| 400%| 800%| 1300% to 150%| 300%| 600%| 1000%| 1800%, duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Rebalance: Counter ratio within the event will be increased from 1.35 to 1.5.

 2. Improvements

  • Detail screen of Rebel Group and Rebel Leaders will now show recommended troop type and number of troops required.
  • Improved UI of map searching screen.
  • Removed “VIP Quest” feature. Corresponding reward of removed feature will be added in VIP screen – Daily Chest for all Royal Lords to claim.
  • Removed “Alliance Quest” feature. Alliance quest refresh ticket will be available to sell from backpack. Corresponding reward of the removed feature will be available in Daily Activity quests.
  • VIP screen has been moved to Stamina/Motivation bar.
  • Honor Token and Nobility screen will be combined in the same entrance.
  • Challenge Quests will all be moved into “Events” menu.
  • Recommended Commander Rankings has been updated.
  • Improved some other game experience and GUI.

3. Bug Fixes

  • Fixed text display issue after creating alliance with specific language setting.
  • Fixed some other minor bugs.

Get ready for winter and enjoy the battle!

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