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zero events working now

Forums Kings of War Technical issues zero events working now

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Scam 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #12587


    Since halloween the following events are not starting :
    Grand Battle
    Cross Server
    Soul stone event
    Big giveaway
    horce racing
    and all the coin events neither.

    So the only thing left is normal fight on the map.

    You have received noumerous tickets, but none even looks there it seems.
    I have send it in chat on facebook, no reactions.
    And here on forum same thing, no reactions.

  • #12627


    All requests was checked. We are waiting.

  • #12628


    events came up, but horse racing still at wrong time.
    will see what happens at cross server events

  • #12698


    Cross server and Gramd battle still not working, horse racing still 1 hour to early.

    Cross rver and Grandbattle starting 1 hour to early, so when the events starts according the game it ends on the same moment as those cross servers clocks are running1 hour to early.

    Why dont they just configure those servers it addaps at the daylight saving time. that would solve those issues, as it clear they now are set all manually…

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