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you need to start events on S8

Forums Kings of War Technical issues you need to start events on S8

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Scam 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #12767


    If you do not start the Grand Battle and Cross Server evening events on S8 and S9 you will lose all your players and Paypal will start issueing refunds for payments made to a non-working game. Paypal is already looking into this game as well as your others so it might be time to get it fixed.

  • #12770


    Grand Battle and Cross server not working on ant server since daylight time change, thats about 4 weeks ago. They clearly do not care. Like they never have done as we are waiting to get championship and artifacts to be fixed one and a half year now. Since the start they only promised to fix it and were telling that there developpers are working on it.
    Imagine they threatened me a year ago that i should stop lying or i would get banned if i would not stop saying that they have nobody working to fix anything.

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