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Wonder how this EVA and HIT stat work

Forums Dark Genesis Game Discussions Wonder how this EVA and HIT stat work

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  OXOTA 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #73127







    I did experiment with Taiyi, whose basic EVA is 66.5 while my HIT of Panda is 123%.

    And tried several times. Taiyis Eva is at least 88%, because of his passive skill 12% + Hourglasses bonus eva stat 10%.

    While my panda doesnt have any buff, passive skill or bonus to get HIT.

    But anyway, Taiyi never win against panda. He cannot evade from quite low hit attack.

    I don’t want to think that this EVA stat starts working after 100%, because Its really hard to raise. But It seems not effecient and effective, even there is more than 50% of stat gap between attacker and evader.

    Seldom Taiyi evades, but Its rare. And Its not 100% of evade, I mean It seems more likely to damage reduction. So even hard to deduce that he evades with 65%(88%-23%) of chance. Even Torvas-taz, whose Hit is 103%, also can easily beat him.

    Wonder how this HIT and EVA stat work.

    Last edited: 23.12.2021 07:51

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