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Wings Trial

Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues Wings Trial

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  VanadeyS27 3 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #48951


    Getting an error message on entering Wings trial , I lose the attempt earn nothing and got kicked before I could get a screen shot, anyone else enjoyed the new event… ?

  • #48954


    worse–i am stuck in the room and can NOT GET OUT –disconnect -then puts me back—HEEELLLLPPPP

  • #48970


    same here and loads of others apparently already happening for a while.
    I had to do a forced reload then close client to get out.
    Send ticket with screenshots hope more will do

    here at least the screenshot with error message

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Theonlyghost.
  • #49154


    My spouse is after trying wing trial now over a hr not able to get out of that wing trial she keeps getting back put in even after ccleaner /dns flush/reload/forced reload /sign out and all before still in that room!

  • #49190


    My spouse is after trying wing trial now over a hr not able to get out of that wing trial she keeps getting back put in even after ccleaner /dns flush/reload/forced reload /sign out and all before still in that room!

    Unfortunately, at the moment we have an error with the Wings Trial dungeon. Our developers are already working on it. As soon as they fix, I’ll let you know. At the moment you can use blitz button to collect resources.

    Kind regards,
    Dragon Lord community manager.

  • #49503


    Any news on this issue?

  • #50077


    Any news on this issue?

    Hello! At the moment, we do not have any news yet. The developers are still working on the patch.

  • #50734


    Since its over a week any news yet.. Cause it seems that some servers in a server group can do it while others in same server group but on a other server number can not!

  • #51351


    Since its over a week any news yet.. Cause it seems that some servers in a server group can do it while others in same server group but on a other server number can not!

    Hello! The wing trial is broken, we are already working on fixing the problem. At the moment, you can use the Blitz button. I’ll let you know as soon as there any news.

  • #52104


    any news on the wings trial? seems at this moment some can do it and others still have problems like hero’s using there spells/skills while the toon it self does not do anything not even rage building up!

    Even so it is a hugh improvement comparing to the freezing straight at start would be nice if it gets totally fixed

  • #52448


    any news on the wings trial? seems at this moment some can do it and others still have problems like hero’s using there spells/skills while the toon it self does not do anything not even rage building up!

    Even so it is a hugh improvement comparing to the freezing straight at start would be nice if it gets totally fixed

    Hello! The wings trial is still broken on all servers. We are working on the fix yet.

  • #58938


    Hello Maeve When can we expect them to fix wings completely ? toon is still not working in Wings trial only the Hero’s

    • #60017


      Hello Maeve When can we expect them to fix wings completely ? toon is still not working in Wings trial only the Hero’s

      I do not have precise delays, but the devs are aware and work to fix it as soon as possible.

  • #62004


    More then a month ago in meanwhile… This issue still excists =(

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