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Why the heck you people create battles??

Forums Dark Omen Discussions Why the heck you people create battles??

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  FuNNy_KiJiN 6 years ago.

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  • #4174


    This game as it is rigth now is filled with so many bugs that I dont even know where to start…
    Still one of the ones who bugs me the most is been the Battles, there been created cross server arenas wich should be something simple for the ones who created the game, instead is a disaster, people pass to the next round and after they all the sudden are iliminated not been able to take part on the next round of the event. After the event there are no champions to pray to magicly that part always stays gray… so why budder???
    Why create something that you wont give to players?
    Why even bodder in spending money in a game that developers dont care about the gamers…

  • #4339


    Greetings, it will be more productive if you describe your problem on the Dragon Lord forum – or in support

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