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when will issues be fixed?

Forums Kings of War Technical issues when will issues be fixed?

This topic contains 27 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  21823140 5 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8772


    I have been playing and investing money into this game but none of the cross-server events work, Arena, Battlefield or Wars have never worked since I started playing. If these are parts of the game that are not accessible. it means there are no possibilities of progressing in-game, therefore any money spent has been a complete waste of time. I know others have complained about said issues and it does make me wonder why nothing has been done, people have left the game due to these issues with feelings of being conned and loss of money, now this can not be a good image for your company. We only just have access to a forum and moderator, but to be frankly honest you are losing players rapidly, and unless these events are fixed there are going to be many more.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #8842


    I personally assure you that all player complaints and all technical problems were referred to the developers as soon as we received information about them.

    They try to work on it as much as possible. We are sorry that you have to wait so long.

    Also you can write to the support and describe your problems again to make sure that the errors you mean were accurately reported.

    Thank you!

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #8906


    we did and noone is takeing us seriusly!!!

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #8959


      we did and noone is takeing us seriusly!!!

      Please, could you tell me the number of your request in tech support or send me a text?
      I will personally review your request.

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #8962


    Event Grand Battlefield:

    The event is common to all servers. There are 3 regions on the map that will fight each other. For each region must be recruited 6 marshals → players (In total, 18 players).

    Participants who have been registered in an event will be randomly distributed between 3 regions.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9022


    Thanks, but how do we register for the Event? it does not work, or nobody knows how to register.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9033


    Some players haven`t reached required level when this event is available for them or not enough registered players to start the event.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  Lisitsa.
    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9055


    we are all over level 60.. if there is not enuff players ai needs to take over so the players that are here can play.. simple

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9062


    it says on the info screen to grand battlefield: required lvl: -null
    so obviously it doesn´t work. could you please give us more detailed information than just 1 sentence every day… 🙁

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9077


    Okay, I see. I will ask about this.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9078


    it says on the info screen to grand battlefield: required lvl: -null

    As I was informed, this issue has already been submitted for correction.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9079


    Do anybody have screenshots when trying to log in Grand Battlefield event?
    Or smth about this problem? Having it, I can more accurately redirect the question to the developers.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9085


    Also can you tell me your server & nicknames?

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9089


    Hey Lisitsa, thanks for trying to help.
    You can find a screenshot of the battlefield login in attached.
    I am Level 61 and my Nickname is DrNikk and I am playing on server 6.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #9162


      Hey Lisitsa, thanks for trying to help.
      You can find a screenshot of the battlefield login in attached.
      I am Level 61 and my Nickname is DrNikk and I am playing on server 6.

      Hmmm, as I can see, you have not enough registered players to start the event…
      For each region must be recruited 6 marshals → players (In total, 18 players).

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #9169


      Hmm, we have way more than 18 players on our server.
      Qhat are the requirements for each player?
      and not even a single one of us can register. there is no button to register for the event.
      does the button only show up if we have fullfilled a certain requisite?

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9141


    This is the Cross Server States War Screen.
    If you click on Eter nothing happens.
    And why is “Please enter text” written all over the place?
    It looks pretty unfinished to me, do you have any new information?

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9153


    in addition there is a quest we cant solve without playing the grand battlefield.
    maybe you could at least help us skip this quest as we cant continue without it.
    That would be really great.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #9164


      in addition there is a quest we cant solve without playing the grand battlefield.
      maybe you could at least help us skip this quest as we cant continue without it.
      That would be really great.

      If the Grand Battlefield event is working properly, then it remains only to wait for an attempt to pass it. But I will inform the developers about the opportunity to skip this event, if in the near future the Grand Battlefield will not be passed by the players.

      Thanks for helping to make the game better! 🙂

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9163


    This is the Cross Server States War Screen.
    If you click on Eter nothing happens.
    And why is “Please enter text” written all over the place?
    It looks pretty unfinished to me, do you have any new information?

    1. Yes, there shouldn`t be this inscription, I will give it for correction. Thank you!

    2. You click on Enter at the specified time of the event, but nothing happened?

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #9168


      Yes exactly, i click on enter, but nothing happens.

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9182


    Qhat are the requirements for each player?
    and not even a single one of us can register. there is no button to register for the event.
    does the button only show up if we have fullfilled a certain requisite?

    The administration contacted the developers, and I received information about this event.
    Unfortunately, now it is working incorrectly and we don`t know when the developers will be able to set up his work.

    I regret that I couldn`t help you. But I will keep you informed if the event will be corrected.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
    • #10994


      does anybody else have problems with getting credit for deamons left ob map, i have not received merit for deamons in olympia for some time

      Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9207


    Thanks for trying to help.
    Can the developers at least remove the requirement from the achievements? (as shown in reply #9153)
    We can not continue questing if we can´t join the grand battlefield.
    Please help us.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9213


    we have antoher problem: we can´t continue upgrading pur relics, as we need essence for it.
    the only way to get essence is with military tickets which can only be acquired through cross server states way (which doesn´t work).
    We are all stuck, because several features don´t work.
    Lisitsa, can you please help us?

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9238


    Can the developers at least remove the requirement from the achievements? (as shown in reply #9153)

    Yes, I said about this to them.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9239


    we have antoher problem: we can´t continue upgrading pur relics, as we need essence for it.
    the only way to get essence is with military tickets which can only be acquired through cross server states way (which doesn´t work).
    We are all stuck, because several features don´t work.
    Lisitsa, can you please help us?

    Yes, I understand that perfectly. I will try to do everything possible so that players don`t feel inconvenience with the existing functionality. I will tell about this to developers.

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20
  • #9559


    Dear players!

    Today, during the maintenance break, developers made some fixes about Grand Battlefield event. So further we will be able to observe the gameplay.

    If you encounter bugs in the game again, please let us know here or in support.
    Thank you!

    Last edited: 25.06.2019 06:20

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