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Was the fk u guys doing ? S13 PST broken all event.

Forums League of Angels 3 Technical issues Was the fk u guys doing ? S13 PST broken all event.

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 4 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #16196


    All event on S13 PST Broke after you update the game. Wat the hell ?

  • #16197


    Good afternoon.
    Please explain the problem in more detail. Attach a screenshot for clarity. What does it mean – events have broken? You have no events at all? Or are they not working properly?
    And refrain from using profanity.

  • #16200


    All main event broke after you guys did update on S13 PST on Feb 11 Yesterday.

    – X Server Angel Fortune = I SPend alot money to buy spin, it not even working now
    – World Boss = never worked since day 1, I was hoping it was fixed yesterday after Maintenance but never fixed
    – All x Server event, X server hero league, X server Mine Wars, Cross Raider, Conquest, Hero League

    -I have spend money to hope you guys fixing this issue but if none of this is fix. I am very mad and sad, I will be refunding all the money I spend. I love the game and Will be spending more if all the issue is fixed. If it isn’t fix before today end, I lose all money I spend on event.

    Look at the ticket I submit . the

    • #16230


      Thanks for the information. We will check the errors.
      In the near future they will answer you from technical support.

  • #16244


    it not working. tell Support to Log in my account and play X Server angel fortune.

    It does not work, it all bugged.

  • #16248


    Can you forward this to Technical Support please.

    Ticket number #16100

    The issue is not the network, I have used other network, Issue is the Server.

    S13 Hilan PST is full of bug, many problem.

    Tell Support to log in my account to see the problem.

    Please help me fast.

    • #16263


      Good afternoon.
      If you wrote this information to a technical support specialist, then he will go into your account and check. Do not worry.

  • #16264


    They did not go into my account to check, event is finish in 2 hours. I lose all the money I spend, I will quit and refund so u guys can ban me. If the event is not fix before server reset in 2 hours. I will quit and refund all money spent.

    • #16265


      Good afternoon.
      We have already given you the answer. Please wait.

  • #16666


    stupid fling support, I am chargeback all the money I spend on S13 now. Idiot, I waited and no problem is fix on the server. next time try to add some decent support staff maybe. Stupid .. bye

    • #16688


      Good afternoon.
      We apologize for not being answered. We clarified the information, your problems were referred to the developers. Waiting for an answer.

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