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War of Gods Nov 06 2022

Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues War of Gods Nov 06 2022

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gnothi 2 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #113722


    Yesterday, Nov 05 2022 we did War of Gods and should have Finals today.
    War of Gods show the people who did War last month and now says finals in 27 days.
    This is the 3rd C/S War that has not worked and the others are not fixed either.
    We loose King Crest rewards every day from those 2 wars and never fixed !!
    Guess today it means we loose King Crest rewards AGAIN and no fix.
    For me, one of the best and most fun events of the game is the C/S Wars, if they cannot give us those or the rewards they promise to us… I wonder why I bother playing.

    I shall see in 3.5 hours if the War of Gods actually happens but from the look of it I will not hold my breathe.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by  Gnothi.
    Last edited: 06.11.2022 07:09
  • #113736


    Yes I noticed too. I disappeared from finals. So is the one who was my opponent for the first battle.

    Truly, the game is such a mess. Hardly a change, most is just getting worse

    Last edited: 06.11.2022 07:09
  • #113745


    Wow I am back in finals, battles running no matches, so no battlescreen… No view in who won or lost.

    I am really so done with this game in meanwhile. Starts to be a money and time wasting thing.

    Last edited: 06.11.2022 07:09
  • #113746


    Wow I am back in finals, battles running no matches, so no battlescreen… No view in who won or lost. So no results…

    I am really so done with this game in meanwhile. Starts to be a money and time wasting thing.

    Last edited: 06.11.2022 07:09
  • #113781


    Yes really bad… screen shot 1 shows you (Vanadey) and I in finals, but nothing more… 3rd C/S War in a row they did this to us and no reply, no fix and no rewards ( for war or the lost last daily rewards for the 27 days)

    Last edited: 06.11.2022 07:09

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