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V6.3.0 Hero’s Spirit, adjusted in-game shops, extended Nethers Illusion

Forums League of Angels 3 News V6.3.0 Hero’s Spirit, adjusted in-game shops, extended Nethers Illusion

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #37525

    Dear warriors,

    We will release V6.3.0 on August 11th, the servers will disconnect at around 4:35 (EST), 1:35 (PST) for the update, please refresh the page to complete the update. The update might be ahead or behind the proposed schedule, please take the in-game scroll announcement as a standard.

    Check below for more details.
    New Content
    1. New feature: Hero’s Spirit
    > Entrance: Hero – Basic info
    > Hero’s Spirit is only available to the main character and heroes that are Artifact rarity or above.Hero’s Spirit gives heroes skill effects and attribute bonuses. Hero’s Spirit also unlocks new skill effects after reaching a certain level.
    2. Added Mythic Outfits Augment
    > Use Mythic Outfit Essence and Outfit Essence to Augment Mythic Outfits
    > Added Outfits augment for Sorcerer’s Pride and Angel’s Touch
    3. Added Sylvia Skin
    Game Improvements
    1. Improvements for Nether Wars
    > Slightly increased the time to find a match to balance the BR of players
    > Adjusted the position of Tower of Offering
    > Adjusted reset rules of Tiers: After the end of the season, reset Challenger to 3600 points, reset diamond to 2400 points, reset gold to 600 points, reset silver and bronze to 0 points
    2.Adjusted in-game shops
    > Shard Shop: Increase the daily purchase limit from 10 to 20
    > Guild shop: Added Lv. 3 Gem Chest, Soul Flask III and Augment Stone III; increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > Tree of Origin Shop: Added Creation Sketch Random Chest, Creation Sketch Chest and Augment Stone III; increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > Arena Shop: Increase the purchase limit of hero shards and some materials
    > Conquest Shop: Added Astralite II; increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > Mine Store: Added Meteor Stone IV and Epic and blow Arma sigil; Increase the purchase limit of hero shards and some materials
    > Castle Raiders Shop: Added EXP Scroll III and Primordial Stone; increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > Ebony Shop: Increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > Luminaries Shop:Added Crystalis shards and Raidra Shard; increased the purchase limit of some materials
    > League Shop: Added Divine Sanctity shards and Ascending Faith Shard
    > Nether Shop: Added Legendary Divine Arma shards and Dawn and Dusk Sigil
    3. Added The Luminaries Assistant
    4. Extended Nethers Illusion
    > Added floor 101~150
    > The bosses after floor 101 are immune to Control effect
    5. Fixed some known bugs


    Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game

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