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V6.10.0 Raven

Forums League of Angels 3 News V6.10.0 Raven

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years ago.

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  • #45106


    New Content

    1. New feature: X-Server friend

    > Players can add friends in X-Servers

    2. First Artifact Outfits: Christmas Party

    > Added Percentage stats and improved lots of BR

    3. Artifact + Support Hero: Raven

    4. Mythic Mount: Bottle of Gratitude&Shadow Power

    5. Artifact+ Companion: Enchanted Candy

    6. Artifact+ Charm: Voice of Winter

    7. Artifact Wings: Bodhi Wings – Ascended

    8. Mythic Titles: Christmas Carnival&Reindeer Hero

    Game Improvements

    1. Augmenting Artifact+ Companion and Artifact+ Charm won’t cost any Companion Augment Pills and Charm Augment Sigils, you can rebirth to get back the resources used and the total costs of shards have not been changed

    2. Unlocked Autumn Season X-Server Hero League on December, added Mythic+ Hero Choice chest III to the rewards

    3. Added Mythic Hero Choice Chest III to Single Server Hero League

    4. Added Legendary+ and Mythic hero skins to wish shop

    5. Unlocked the 8th Arma Aid slot when empowering 2 Artifact+ Armas to lv.2

    6. Fixed some known bugs


    Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game

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