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V5.35.0 Artifact Divine Arma: Starfall, Artifact

Forums League of Angels 3 News V5.35.0 Artifact Divine Arma: Starfall, Artifact

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Leo 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #17357

    Dear warriors,
    We will release V.5.35.0 on March.10, the servers will disconnect at around 2:35 (EST), 23:35 (PST), 16:35 (HKT), 9:35 (EU) for the update, please refresh the page to complete the update. The update might be ahead or behind the proposed schedule, please take the in-game scroll announcement as a standard. Check below for more details.
    New Content
    1. New Artifact Divine Arma: Starfall
    > Divine Guardian: Fortuna
    > Revived all allies and added powerful buffs
    2. New Artifact Companion: Shadow of Death
    3. New Titles: Luck of Legend & Shamrock Heaven
    Game Improvements
    1. Added Feather Phoenix shard and Woods Nymph shard to Luminaries Shop
    2. Fixed the display issue where the stories can’t be read on the Hero Backstory panel
    3. Fixed the display issue on Companion Refine View panel
    4. Added Level+1 button for more features like Hero Promotion, Divine Arma Enhance &Awaken, Equipment Augment, Charm Augment, Companion Augment, Magic Circle, Mount & Wings advance and Constellation
    5. Fixed some known bugs and translation errors.
    Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game
    Last edited: 12.03.2020 07:36

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