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V5.32.0! Theresa Ultima, Creator’s Realm, reset First Recharge

Forums League of Angels 3 News V5.32.0! Theresa Ultima, Creator’s Realm, reset First Recharge

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 5 years ago.

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  • #15456


    Dear warriors,
    We will release V.5.32.0 on Jan.19th, the servers will disconnect at around 3:35 (EST), 0:35 (PST), 9:35 (EU) for the update, please refresh the page to complete the update. The update might be ahead or behind the proposed schedule, please take the in-game scroll announcement as a standard. Check below for more details.

    New Content

    1. New Artifact Hero: Theresa Ultima
    2. New Outfit: Amora’s Oath
    3. New Mount: Amora’s Gift
    4. New Wings: Heart’s Aria
    5. New Skin: Helena Skin
    6. Added new Mystic Domain: Creator’s Realm

    Game Improvements

    1. Added “Level +1” feature for Hero Advance, Awaken and Augment
    2. Highlighted the skill tips when empowering Divine Arma’s to a certain level.
    3. Achievement improvements
    > Added more achievements
    > Increased the max level of Achievements to lv.13
    4. Removed the preconditions for Hero skin, Companion Skin, Equipment refine, enhancement and advancement of Relic Components
    5. X-Server League improvements
    > Added rules for Spoils allocation: Participants can open 1 chest; Defenders can additionally open 1 chest
    > Adjusted the level requirements for participants from lv.125 to lv.110
    > Removed the entrance of X-Server League in Guild when not reaching lv.110
    6. Reset the First Recharge
    > Replaced Aurora and Huxley with Isolde in First Recharge rewards
    > After the update, players need to recharge again to unlock the First Recharge rewards

    Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game

    Last edited: 20.01.2020 14:35

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