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Update – V6.75.0 Velektra

Forums League of Angels 3 News Update – V6.75.0 Velektra

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Naya 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #225908


    Update time: 2024-3-27

    New Content:

    1. Godlike+ Hero: Velektra;
    2. Added Skadina and Melpomene to Godlike system;
    3. Title: Colorful Bunny & Bunte Hase;
    4. Paragon Arma: Moonlight Starbow;
    5. Paragon+ Companion: Moon Spirit Bunny;
    6. Transmogrify:Theresa Morph;
    7. Paragon+ Wings: Whisper of Dark Spirit – Ascended;
    8. Paragon Mount: Steel Armor Rampage;
    9. Easter Celebration: April 5 ~ April 11;
    10. Chibi Insignias*6, monthly Insignia*1, celebration Insignia*1.

    Game Improvements:

    1. Added 3 new Arma slots for Arma Aid, added 3 new vice-General slots;
    2. Extended the max level of Holy Mark to 30;
    3. Improved the rewards in Mine Wars, Guild War, Nether Wars and Wish shop;
    4. Adjusted the rules of Nether Wars: Minimum number of players from 6 to 5, number of team member from 12 to 10;
    5. Lowered the standards of hero stars for converting starsoul in Godlike system;
    6. Optimized the tips in chests: can view if you have unlocked the items in chests;
    7. Unlocked the Spring Season of X-server Hero League and improved the rewards in it.

    Have a nice game!

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