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[Update] – Ancient weapon

Forums Dragon Lord News [Update] – Ancient weapon

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  SnowFox 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #11779


    Hello! Today we updated the game to version 2.68
    The following changes have occurred with the update. We tried to describe the contents of the update in as much detail as possible.

    🍀 Where: Ancient weapon

    ❓ What has changed: Added a new function to increase the character’s BR – Ancient weapon.
    Opens after completing a quest at level 20.
    The more players who own one Ancient weapon, the stronger it will be. (maximum 3 times from the initial parameters)

    Every day you can worship once each Ancient weapon, increasing the parameters of worship.

    We hope you enjoyed the update!
    Have a good game!


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