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The Artifact DEF Hero – Luin the Fallen is arriving

Forums League of Angels 3 News The Artifact DEF Hero – Luin the Fallen is arriving

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #19800

    The Dark Elf is coming back! He is the first Artifact DEF Hero of the League of Angels III. Luin the Fallen can help players resists control debuffs to ensure damage output. You have the chance to unlock Luin the Fallen from 16 April to 19 April.


    Event Time: 16 April to 19 April
    Entrance: Featured Hero Luin the Fallen


    After the Beastmen Uprising, the Elven Empire was destroyed and Luin Amakiir, their king, was imprisoned by the Beastmen.
    An iron mask was placed on Luin Amakiir, who was also tortured. But he bid his time and waited for an opportunity to return to the Grace Continent.
    Many years later, the army from the Divine Empire rescued Luin Amakiir from the Beastmen’s prisons.
    To take the strength of the Grace Continent, Luin Amakiir used Aunisi’s power and turned himself into a Dark Elf, becoming Luin the Fallen and gained power many times more than what he once had.
    >Luin the Fallen
    Three skills of Luin the Fallen:
    >Fury of the Elves: Attacks front row targets and deals damage with a 25% chance to Bind the target for 2 rounds.


    >Unbendable Will: Links life with 2 allies with the lowest HP, taking 40% of their damage taken for 3 rounds.


    >Incarcerated Crown – Corruption: Attacks all enemies, dealing damage with a 25% chance to Bind the target. If there are 5 or more enemies, has a 100% chance to bind 1 enemy.


    Event rules:
    1. There is one Theme Hero for each “Featured Hero” event. Players will have the chance to obtain the Hero Luin the Fallen shards during the event, as well as other heroes and their shards.


    2. Players can draw 1 time FOR FREE every day. Draw times will reset at midnight every day.


    3. Each draw will grant 10 points. The accumulated points can be used to open Points Chests which contain the Luin the Fallen Hero Shards.


    4. First Drawing x1 using Diamonds each day will get half price off.


    5. Drawing 5 times will guarantee Theme Hero Shards, i.e. Luin the Fallen shards.


    6. The points will be reset after each event.


    Various Discount Packs are waiting for players, players have the chance to obtain these packs when they meet certain requirements!
    Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game.

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