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Thanksgiving and Black Friday join together!

Forums League of Angels 3 News Thanksgiving and Black Friday join together!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #13047


    Have you ever talked to a turkey?

    Black Friday is coming to League of Angels 3 on November 29 and November 30!
    This is your chance to get an exclusive event title – Black Friday Banquet! Moreover you can participate in special recharge events: if you manage it wisely and recharge enough, you can easily get all your invested Topaz and Diamonds back and receive rewards on top of that!

    Join Black Friday event now to get powerful Hero Shards, cultivation items and Divine Weapon Sigils!

    And don’t forget about special login rewards – just visit the game and claim them right away!

    And if you think that Black Friday is not enough a special Thanksgiving event will also take place from November 28 to December 2!

    There is a magic turkey waiting for you somewhere in the city. Whoever will be able to find it and tell it a good story, will receive truly special rewards!
    The turkey can be found in the city for the whole duration of the event and has quite an endless supply of event items. And if you happen to talk to it several days in a row, there will be a nice diamond reward waiting!

    Enjoy the events warriors!

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