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Servers Merge at August 30th

Forums Dark Genesis News Servers Merge at August 30th

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  29886453 3 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #65337

    ★ James ★

    Today, August 30th, from 09:00 to 11:00 (GMT+2) Dark Genesis will be maintained for servers merge. Please logout the game in advance and don’t login following servers until maintenance is over.

    We will merge following servers within maintenance:

    ➡ S1+S4+S7+S10
    ➡ S13+S15+S18+S19+S20+S21

    Characters below level 25 who didn’t top-up at least once and offline for 15 days or more will be deleted as inactive ones. Each player will get 200 diamonds by in-game mail as a compensation after maintenance is over.

    If you’ve got characters in the several servers from merging group, then you’ll able use it all after merge as before.

    Best wishes,
    Dark Genesis Team

  • #65380


    S20 and S21 just became victims

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