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Sending troops and declare war

Forums Eternal Fury: Resurrected Discussions Sending troops and declare war

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  42054515 10 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • #78173


    please explain how to send troops, I know it has something to do with raid but the only raid I see id the big city. I am not sure if anyone else is having the same problem.

  • #78179



    You need to enter the Territory https://skr.sh/sCa5WpiUhZd?a
    Next you go to the Wall https://skr.sh/sCaxWS55brp?a
    Choose an open city and declare war https://skr.sh/sCa3sruP2TB?a
    Next, select the troops to attack https://skr.sh/sCaiW1xYWyX?a
    And send them into battle https://skr.sh/sCakUuZcYSH?a

  • #215989


    If you’re only seeing options for raiding the big city, it’s possible that other raid targets are currently unavailable or locked based on your progression in the game. However, if you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to other players or consult the game’s help resources for further assistance. Happy raiding!

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