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Rewards not open but new exchange for tasks is?

Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues Rewards not open but new exchange for tasks is?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Maeve 4 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #37553

    Joseph S4

    Good Morning ADMIN

    not sure if you noticed hard to do any exchanges in rewards tab when there are no items for us to buy or get to be able to use items for the exchange… Is this being fixed in the near future?

    Joseph – Server 4

  • #37586


    Good Morning ADMIN

    not sure if you noticed hard to do any exchanges in rewards tab when there are no items for us to buy or get to be able to use items for the exchange… Is this being fixed in the near future?

    Joseph – Server 4

    Please, attach the screenshots illustrating there are no items for exange.

  • #37629

    Joseph S4

    any screenshot I try to attach I get error saying too big… and I am not smart enough to know how to reduce the size…

  • #37679


    any screenshot I try to attach I get error saying too big… and I am not smart enough to know how to reduce the size…

    You can use this web site https://prnt.sc/u0dqpz as screenshot making tool and attach your screenshots as the links.

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