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Relic Gacha ?? you have rewards for Relic Gacha coins but no relic gacha?

Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues Relic Gacha ?? you have rewards for Relic Gacha coins but no relic gacha?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Maeve 4 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #36885

    Joseph S4

    Hello admin,

    so you add a reward for getting relic gacha coins but no relic gacha? and they have a time limit of 3 days from when gotten…. take a guess again guess developers dropped the ball on another item again….

  • #36942


    Hello admin,

    so you add a reward for getting relic gacha coins but no relic gacha? and they have a time limit of 3 days from when gotten…. take a guess again guess developers dropped the ball on another item again….


    Thank you for informing us. However, we are already aware that parts of items cannot be purchased at the Shard Store and you cannot spend your relic gacha coins.
    The Shard Store will be fixed on Tuesday.

  • #37039


    DO You UNDERSTAND SHARD STORE AND RELIC GAUHA are 2 different things… TAKE A LOOK AT REWARD FOR 20K ambers recharge….. RELIC GAUHA COINS!!!!!!!!!! under rewards for RECHARGE NOTHING TO DO WITH SHARD STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello! The relic coins and the shard store, the event for relic coins will be started soon. And the shard store is fixed right now during the maintenance.

  • #37042


    Just checked the menu. Relic Gacha event started https://prnt.sc/ttp1hp

  • #37056

    Joseph S4

    Thank you for making this right and replacing the relic gacha coin that expired. Thank you

  • #37098


    Thank you for your feedback.

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