If this time is not taken before this print, I will take the appropriate measures and facebook, look at this print, saying monkey this in Brazil is an insult that provides in law
The racial insult is in CP article 140, § 3. The crime of racism is provided for in article 20 of Law 7,716 / 89. The “difference” is basic: Racial injury is the offense to a particular person
Scam Silver Horn All Blues – Server 5 my nickname Luana
I want all my money invested in this game, because I’ll sue if no action is taken in a Hacker that must be them scolding everyone and I’m being harmed, my friend took the print out of the conversation
There are three crimes against honor typified by our penal code:
Slander (Article 138); Defamation (Article 139) and Injury (Article 140).
This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by FuNNy_KiJiN.
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Last edited: 15.03.2019 10:38