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need instuction/guide/advice

Forums Eternal Fury: Resurrected Discussions need instuction/guide/advice

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 1 month ago.

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  • #117255


    This game seems to be lacking many things, beside active players. Too many things are left to “By Guess and By Gosh”. What is needed to promote a hero to 2 stars? Where and when do Artifacts drop? I have shards and beryls up the wazoo but no artifacts to use them on. Any instructions are way too vague to be of any use to the few people that are still playing.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Hello.
    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #117312

    Promote hero to 2 stars:
    Go to hero icon and then Enhance tab. Use Enhancement Lolite on the enhance tab. At enhance Rank 10 you can upgrade your hero level up to level 60 and they will also be 2 star. Every 5 ranks on the Enhance tab it seems your star level goes up as well as being able to raise your hero level.

    Go to the hero icon and then to the Artifacts tab. You can use your shards and beryls there.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
    • #117521


      That is a problem. ! have 1500+ shards and 75+ Beryls but NO ARTIFACTS. I cant use the shards and beryls without the artifacts to use them on (How can I improve something I Don’t have)?

      Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #117726


    Are you using any SSR or UR generals? They are the only ones that have access to the artifacts, lower gens do not.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
    • #118081


      Full team is SSR, all at lvl 40, me at lvl 59. Working on promoting to 2 star, but Promote material hard to get, like so many other items in this game

      Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #118115


    I’d post in the technical forum and ask for help. Sounds like you should have the Artifacts. Sorry I can’t help

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #118634

    Asturoth Dax

    Artefacts DONT drop. The heroes already have them, you just need to activate them using artefact shards. In the artefact tab in the hero page, hover over one of the greyed out orbs and a pop up will show you how many artefact shards you need to activate that one orb. once all orbs activated to same level, press the upgrade button and the artefact will up a level.

    Hope that helps?

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #122448


    this game ”show” you stuff by shoving you into them and never mentioning them again. like the pre-draw content that u unlock at lvl 45. where do i go to claim them? i’ve been playing for years and i never could find them again.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #232912


    I have 1500+ shards and 75+ beryls, but no artifacts to use them! How do I upgrade artifacts I don’t have?

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
    • #232916



      Please show a screenshot.

      Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #235226


    spiele auf server s 19 kann mich seit den 01.11.2024 nicht mehr einloogen ständig erscheint verbindung zu server unterbrochen woran liegt da

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #235244


    spiele auf server s 19 kann mich seit den 01.11.2024 nicht mehr einloogen ständig erscheint verbindung zu server unterbrochen woran liegt da


    The English version of the game is fully available. You need to report the problem on the German forum 🙂 But I know that your problem is already being dealt with.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #241533


    It’s frustrating because I can’t upgrade or enhance something I don’t even have in the first place. How am I supposed to make progress without the necessary artifacts.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47
  • #241548



    Your problem is not clear. Explain more clearly and in more detail.

    Last edited: 19.06.2023 11:47

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