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Moderators and Discord

Forums Dragon Lord News Moderators and Discord

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Maeve 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #36291


    Dear players!

    We passionately want to improve the communication between players and project management. We receive many questions and suggestions to develop the game. We are looking for moderators to improve feedback and listen to your issues and questions faster.

    If you are a game professional, ready to help other players, love playing fair games and  would like to become part of the team and also would like to try to act as moderator, you are invited to fill in this form.

    Also for technical reasons, it was decided to set up a separate server on the Discord for DL, where you can communicate with each other, contact the administration and leave your feedback and suggestions.

    Here is the link for Discord https://discord.gg/cx3xbt8


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