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Missing items

Forums Dark Genesis Game Discussions Missing items

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LordRaven 3 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #61926


    Now when I log In I noticed 9k soul stones are missing from my account . Couple days before there were missing diamonds and in couple minutes reappeared but with 400 less. When I finish lvl quest and I picked the reward my Lucifer shards disappeared as well . Before that disappeared from my hero bag gabriel hero. I have done support ticket and nothing happened .It s happening constantly don t mention I do not see any epic shard from 2 weeks. Others have similar issues ? What can I do more if support team don t do nothing ? What s the sense to recharge or vip? I just need a fair play game and all my items back. FIX your game

  • #61928


    bizarre, looks like you are the most effective one who game play is damaged. prolly they do now not respond due to the fact they’re now not sure what you are pronouncing is authentic

  • #61929


    weird, looks like you are the only one who game play is broken. prolly they do not respond because they are not sure what you are saying is true

  • #61935


    Medeya, i dont really know whats happening to your account. i have updated esprit your issue twice now.

    you might have to add more details from support ticket at what time you saw the lost item. then what time you logged in again to see the items are gone.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  LordRaven.

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