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Merge Server 4/03

Forums Dragon Lord News Merge Server 4/03

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  SirKilll 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6040


    From 02:00-05:30, April 03d

    Servers  will be down for approximately about 3  hours to allow for adequate testing, but could be shorter.
    Please watch this thread for any updates or changes. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates or changes to the merge.

    Servers to be merged are:
    Server S4-S19

    In order to avoid the loss of any character information, please refrain from making any new characters on these servers until after the merge has been completed.
    To help with potential name conflicts, we will be removing unused characters.

  • #6093


    if those are servers that were ment to go under maintnance why did us S1-S3 severs go as well with out a single warning which screwed some us over that were in dungeons?

  • #6094


    530??? maybe shorter??

  • #6097


    if servers 4-19 are merging then why do I see people from Server 1 to 3? did you mess up again?

  • #6110


    We are pleased to announce that the maintenance has been successfully completed.
    Have a good game!

  • #6127

    nameless DM S3

    4-19…but we (1-3) are merged with some of 4+ also…more info about merging? no?

    • #6154


      We announced the information that the developers gave us. But later there were some changes in the merge of servers

  • #6155


    We announced the information that the developers gave us. But later there were some changes in the merge of servers

    Which is not good – please in future state the servers merge correctly and can you please confirm what has been done.

    • #6170


      Furthermore, the one you stated was better not the other way round – you developers and co need to communicate with people on here.

  • #6212


    Have to agree, this merge SUCKS ASS! Why did you merge 1-3 with ALL THE OTHERS?????? WTF was the point of THAT crap? Now, can’t kill any dragons, no real point in participating in WB, or other regular events…are you TRYING to make people HATE this game? Do you WANT all of us to go onto SM and tell the world how much you suck and how much this game CHEATS in favor of ONE PLAYER!? Why not un-merge the servers and try again? Only this time, don’t merge 5 million servers! Merge a FEW first, see how it goes, THEN you can merge more…but LEAVE THE TOP # SERVERS BE! NO ONE can get ANYTHING playing against BLOODY AND XOLOX!

  • #6220


    We announced the information that the developers gave us. But later there were some changes in the merge of servers

    I think this was the first indirect quote you have had stating what many do not know. You are not part of the development team. You are just some voice designed to keep us here and make us THINK you and/or the developers care. You have ZERO clue what is going on in this game. Neither you NOR the developers give a rats ass about anyone in this game. To be factual, the designed path that you seem headed down is there to MAKE us get tired of it all and leave!!

    Guess it is easier and more profitable to grab their wallets for 2-3 months then get them to leave and make new servers to do it to more unsuspecting people than to actually make a quality product.

    If you think this fiasco will not follow you into the game world, you are sorely mistaken.

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