Dear friends!
Tomorrow, at 05:00 AM will be maintenance.
We anticipate downtime to be a 2 hour.
New content will be added during the maintenance.
Update content:
1. Unlocked Territory.
2. New feature – Guild Campaign
3. Added Pre-Draw feature.
More about content:
Unlocks at level 24 after completing a story quest.
Available by icon 
You have to Improve your castle!

You will have access to building upgrades, conducting research, training commanders and recruiting soldiers.

It will take a lot of resources to improvise the castle, so farmers and artisans are needed to get them.

The best warriors will be needed to protect the wall.

Soldiers will be required to liberate villages and cities from the enemy.

Complete tasks to get additional rewards.

Guild Campaign
Available by icon

You can now capture enemy cities to receive rewards!
- Players who are not members of the guild will not be able to become the owner of the captured city.
- Each guild can occupy up to 1 castle and 3 cities. If several guilds attack a city, the guild that destroys the last NPC wins.
- The rewards received for successfully attacking the city will be sent by email.
Predraw Content
Available by icon 

As you progress through the story, an additional summon will open for you.

After completing the task, you can make a summon.

Among the rewards are not only R and SR mercenaries, but also SSR!

Have a nice game!