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Maintenance August, 23!

Forums Eternal Fury: Resurrected News Maintenance August, 23!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 2 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #99861


    Dear friends!

    Tomorrow, at 05:30 AM will be maintenance.

    We anticipate downtime to be a 2 hours.

    Please leave the game in advance to avoid any unnecessary loss. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.


    1. Added exclusive Runes and 8-Rune Resonance.
    2. Stage 4 Class Advancement is now available.
    3. Added Diamond and Gold items in Heroic Soul Shop.
    4. Warehouse 3 and 4 are now available.
    5. Hero equipment can now be recycled.

    Bug fixes:

    1. Fixed the effect of Venus’ Harp.
    2. Fixed the item description of Underworld Tiger Shard.
    3. Fixed the issue where players can claim the Weekly Card rewards of the day again after a renewal.

  • #99969

    Asturoth Dax

    Game has been lagging ever since the update, making gameplay difficult.

    Any fix forthcoming?


  • #100023



    Try clearing the browser cache, check the problem in another browser.

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