Greetings, warriors!
We are glad to announce that the maintenance has been successfully completed and the servers are available.
During the maintenance were fixed next bugs:
► Announcement of event results for Ancient Gods’ Battlefield – Chinese text.
► Quiz answers are not completely placed.
► Event Magic Treasure Hunt – after using skills, player see wings.
► Event Magic Treasure Hunt – periodically in the ranking is incorrectly indicated the place of the player.
► Mystic Shop – prices are not completely fit in window.
► Damage caused by Starcore not considered in the damage rating.
► Guild notes does not accept “Space” in text.
► Chinese text in group search.
► Several errors in text and non-fitting text in windows.
Also today was opened a new server «S9: Demon Lair».
We continue to work on searching and correcting game errors. If you find an error in the text or game mechanics, please post it in the appropriate topic on the forum or to the technical support.
Have a good game!
This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Last edited: 24.08.2018 01:16